Introduction to Student Exploration Distance Time Graphs
Distance-time graphs are a useful way of representing the motion of an object over time. Through the use of these graphs, students can learn how to interpret the changes in the position of an object over time. By analyzing the shape of the graph and the slope of the line, students can determine the velocity, acceleration, and other properties of the object’s motion.What is a Distance-Time Graph?
A distance-time graph is a type of graph that uses two axes to plot the position of an object over time. The x-axis of the graph represents time, while the y-axis represents the object’s position. The slope of the line on the graph is used to represent the velocity of the object, with a steeper slope representing a faster velocity.Interpreting the Graph
By analyzing the shape of the graph and the slope of the line, students can determine the velocity, acceleration, and other properties of the object’s motion. A straight, constant line on the graph indicates a constant velocity, while a curved line indicates changing velocity. The slope of the line can also be used to calculate the acceleration of the object.Examples of Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-time graphs are commonly used to represent the motion of an object over time. Examples of these graphs include those used to represent the motion of a car, the flight of a rocket, or the orbit of a planet. By studying these graphs, students can gain a better understanding of how objects move in space and time.Related Video:
Questions and Answers:
1. The following information are important in an announcement text. They are …….A. distance, time and participantB. Time, place and distanceC. Place, distance and timeD. Time, Participant and placeE. Price, time and participant
Mohon jadikan jawaban terbaik. Terima kasih. Semoga membantu
2. a: what time do the student have break time B:THE STUDENT HAVE BREAK TIME AT NINE A'CLOCK
a:kapan waktu istirahat siswa b:siswa istirahat pada jam 9
3. Faktor teknologi yang berkaitan dengan penemuan baru dari masyarakat yaitu …. *A. discovery dan explorationB. discovery dan inventionC. invention dan explorationD. exploration dan modification
Faktor teknologi yang berkaitan dengan penemuan baru dari masyarakat yaitu Exploration dan Modification (D).
Pembahasan:Penerapan teknologi di dalam masyarakat adalah hal yang sangat lazim akhir akhir ini, bahkan drone dan segala macamnya sudah di kenalkan di dalam masyarakat. Penggunaan teknologi tersebut secara terus menerus membuat masyarakat semakin ingin tahu dan membimbing masayarakat kepada sikap curiosity yang mampu menggambarkan sifat eksplorasi. Eksplorasi berarti suatu kegiatan yang berupaya untuk mengetahui sesuatu secara detail.
Eksplorasi ini merupakan dasar untuk pengembangan teknologi di Masyarakat menyesuaikan kebutuhan alat dengan apa yang dibutuhkannya. Inilah tercetus adanya proses modifikasi. Misalnya, drone yang dilengkapi dengan penyemprot padi misalnya.
Pelajari lebih lanjut:1. Materi tentang plastik dalam lingkungan kita
2. Materi tentang bioteknologi konvensional dan bioteknologi modern
3. Materi tentang bioteknologi modern
Detil jawaban :Kelas: XII
Mapel: Biologi
Bab: Bioteknologi
Kode: 12.4.8
4. buat 5 soal tentang graphs dalam bahasa inggris
what colors for graphics - the graphics its why. udah 2 aja ya
5. Sped=50km/hour Time=1 hour 30 minute Distance=?
75 km.
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Time = 1 hour 30 minute = 1,5 hour
Sped = 50 km/hour
Distance = Time x Sped
= 1,5 x 50
= 75 km
75 km
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Distance = Speed x time
= speed x time
= 50 km/hour x 1 hour 30 minute
note : 1 hour 30 minute = 1 hour 30/60 = 1 1/2 hour
= speed x time
= 50 km/hour x 1 1/2 hour
= 50 km/hour x 3/2 hour
= 75 km
distance = 75 km
6. Distance= 240 km, Time= 3 hours, Speed= ... km/hour
Since 240 divided by three is 80, the velocity the car is traveling at is 80 kilometers per hour.
7. Calculate the distance travelled by the particle for the period of time
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
8. which distance-time graph respresents a body whose speed is decreasing
Which distance-time graph respresents a body whose speed is decreasing is the line on the graph is sloping downwards. Additionally, you may also notice that the distance between points on the graph is getting smaller as well - this, too, is an indication that the speed is slowing down.
PembahasanPada pokok bahasan kinematika, grafik dijadikan salah satu representasi untuk menjelaskan konsep gerak. Konsep-konsep kinematika gerak meliputi perpindahan, kecepatan dan percepatan yang berhubungan dengan fungsi waktu. Bentuk-bentuk gerakan partikel (benda) dapat diketahui dengan menelaah grafik kinematika.
Pada umumnya grafik jarak-waktu ditunjukkan dengan grafik garis yang dapat menjelaskan suatu benda pergerakannya cepat atau lambat dalam waktu tertentu. Ada faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi grafik jarak-waktu (seperti percepatan), jadi penting untuk mempertimbangkan semua ini sebelum membuat kesimpulan. Namun, jika Anda melihat kemiringan ke bawah atau jarak antar titik yang lebih kecil, dapat dikatakan bahwa kecepatan yang ditunjukkan oleh grafik memang menurun.
Pelajari Lebih LanjutPelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang grafik hubungan antara jarak tempuh dengan waktu tempuh pada GLB:
#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4
9. buatkan contoh Impersonal"it" tentang Time, Weather, pronoun, dummy subject, distance
it's twelve o'clock -- time
it's rainy this morning -- weather
it's really far and take a long time to go there. --distance
2 lagi blm tau
smoga membantu
10. At (1)...time at the student' canteen
semoga membantu
11. Tuliskan persetujuan dan penolakan tentang adanya "student should part time jobs" ?
persetujuan :
I agree about students having to do part time jobs. With having their own jobs, they learn to take responsibilities and learn to appreciate money a lot more. It will also help them grow a sense of dicipline and tolerance, they will respect their parents and every adult that has to work to earn money. And it will also help reduce their parents' burden, by of course, no longer giving them lunch money.Agreement :
1. Student should have their own money
2. Student must be trained to be an autonomous
3. Student love part time jobs
4. Student could learn how to earn money
5. Student will be trained to divide their time
6. Student will be discipline because they know the time they use to work and the time they use to study
7. Student can have enough work experience
8. Student will not surprised when they face how cruel world are
9. Student will try not be extravagant because they know they hard effort to earn money
10. Student can help their parent's economy
Disagreement :
1. Student will be so busy
2. Student will not get enough affection from their parent because they work
3. Student will be stressed
4. Student will found many difficult
5. By working, student could get many risk
6. Some student can't divide their time between work and study, so their academic score will decreasing
7. Student will be so stingy with their money because they have to work hard to earn money
8. Student will have to work and study at once
9. Student will feel burdened
10. Student will feel jealous with other student who don't have to work hard to earn money
12. apa yang dimaksud discovery dan exploration
Diskoveri (discovery) adalah suatu penemuan sesuatu yang sebenarnya benda atau hal yang ditemukan itu sudah ada, tetapi belum diketahui orang. Misalnya penemuan benua Amerika.
Deep space exploration (juga deep-space exploration) adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk eksplorasi ruang angkasa dalam dan biasanya digambarkan sebagai jarak cukup jauh dari Bumi, atau jauh dari tata surya
13. student : ••••,ma'am.l broke the beaker.teacher :•••••next time be careful.student : l will,ma'am.l•••••
Student:I'm sorry,malam.I broke the breaker
Teacher:It's ok,next time be careful
Student:I Will,malam I promise
14. what time does the student leave his home? when the school is about to start
15. I'm here with you every time despite the distance that separates
aku disini bersamamu setiap kali terlepas dari jarak yang memisahkan
saya hanya mengartikannya saja:")
16. arti dari the time is student
waktunya pelajar artinya
the time is student memiliki arti:
waktunya adalah pelajar
atau waktu Murid..
semoga membantu
17. the student ... come on time.
The student must come on time
the student always come on time . maaf kalo salah jawabannya
18. 12.52 p.m. Student A = What time is it? Student B = It is ... 10. 07 a.m. Student A = What time is it? Student B = It is ...
1. It is 8 minute to 1 AM
2. It is ten past 7 AM
Maaf kalo salah
Twenty past fifty two
Ten pas seven
19. how long time the student study at shcoll
berapa jam murid murid belajar di sekolah
selama corona atau sebelumnya nih
20. Apa arti dari date time is a student
waktu kencan adalah seorang siswa.
waktu kencan dari seorang siswa
kemungkin ada lanjutannya yaitu belajar, dsb
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