3700 Grams To Pounds

3700 Grams To Pounds

Grams to Pounds

What are Grams and Pounds?

Grams (g) are a unit of mass and weight in the metric system, while pounds (lbs) are a unit of mass and weight in the Imperial system of measurement.

How to Convert Grams to Pounds?

To convert Grams (g) to Pounds (lbs), the formula is: Pounds (lbs) = Grams (g) / 453.592.


For example, to find out how many pounds 3700 grams is, divide 3700 by 453.592, that makes 8.16 lbs is 3700 g.
In summary, 3700 grams is equal to 8.16 pounds. To convert grams to pounds, divide the number of grams by 453.592.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. .. How much cheese do we need to make a cheese omelet?a. three gramsb. five gramsc. fifteen gramsd. fifty grains​


Berapa banyak keju yang kita butuhkan untuk membuat telur dadar keju?

A. tiga gram

B. lima gram

C. lima belas gram

D. lima puluh butir


B semoga membantu


A. 3garam


maaf kalo salah ya

2. 4. How much cheese do we need to make a cheese omelet?A one gramB. three gramsC. five gramsD. fifty grams​


one gram maaf kalo salah


A. one gram..

maaf kalo salah

3. How much hamburger meat are they going to need? A.three pounds B.ten hamburger C.nine pounds D.seven packages E.six bags


i dont know, how could i know?


lack of information

4. how many grams ... one kilo is one thousand grams

brp gram ...

satu kg adalah seribu gramhow many grams 
one kilo is thousand grams

Berapa gram ?
satu kilo adalah seribu gram

soory if wrong
maaf kalo salah

5. Tania mixes 100 grams of sugar, 8 eggs and 50 grams of butter to make a cake. If Tania has 6 eggs, she needs ...grams of sugar.




I hope this help you..

6. tangan kubik antara 2000 sampai 3700 adalah

angka kubik antara 2.000 sampai 3.700

2.197 = 13²
2.744 = 14³
3.375 = 15³

7. Mariam uses 5 grams of baking powder and 240 grams of flour to bake a cakef she wants to bake 6 cakes, how much flour and baking powder does she need to use?​


30g baking powder, 1.440 grams flour

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5g * 6 = 30g baking powder

240g * 6 = 1.440g flour

so, flour and baking powder does she need to use is 30 grams baking powder and 1.440 grams flour

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


240× 6= 1.440

so, mariam needs 30 garms of baking powder and 1,4 kg of flour to bake 6 cakes

8. 3700 dalam bahasa inggris

three thousand and seven hundred
three thousand seven hundred
maaf kalau salah

9. Use a proportion to convert 18 grams to milligrams. [Hint: 1,000 mg = 1 g.]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

disitu sudah ada hintnya, yaitu:


maka, jika 18g=....mg?

tinggal dikalikan saja.


So, 18grams=18.000miligrams

10. arti dari " lose up to 25 pounds in 25 days! "

turun sampai 25 pound di 25 hari
hilangkan sampai dengan 25 pound dalam 25 hari!

11. A doctor tells a sick freshman to add bananas and oranges to his diet for vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C. A pound of bananas contributes 8 grams of vitamin A, 6 grams of vitamin B, and 2 grams of vitamin C, while a pound of oranges contributes 2 grams of vitamin A and 6 grams of vitamin B. A pound of bananas costs $3.5 and a pound of oranges costs $5.4. The freshman has to meet a minimum requirement of 23 grams of vitamin A, 37 grams of vitamin B, and 6 grams of vitamin C. He should avoid taking more than 50 grams of vitamin A and 70 grams of vitamin B to avoid side effects such as nausea. Formulate a linear programming problem to help the poor freshman choose the ideal fruit mix for recovery.


Seorang dokter memberitahu mahasiswa baru yang sakit untuk menambahkan pisang dan jeruk ke dalam makanannya untuk vitamin A, Vitamin B, dan Vitamin C. Satu pon pisang menyumbang 8 gram vitamin A, 6 gram vitamin B, dan 2 gram vitamin C, sementara satu pon jeruk menyumbang 2 gram vitamin A dan 6 gram vitamin B. Satu pon pisang berharga $ 3,5 dan satu pon jeruk berharga $ 5,4. Mahasiswa baru harus memenuhi kebutuhan minimal 23 gram vitamin A, 37 gram vitamin B, dan 6 gram vitamin C. Ia harus menghindari mengonsumsi lebih dari 50 gram vitamin A dan 70 gram vitamin B untuk menghindari efek samping tersebut. sebagai mual. Merumuskan masalah pemrograman linier untuk membantu mahasiswa baru yang malang memilih campuran buah yang ideal untuk pemulihan.


maaf ya cuman bisa ngasih artinya saja

12. the doll is 500 pounds and you only have 450 pounds how much money that you need to get?


500 pounds -450 pounds=50 pounds

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

13. is it save to consume 5 pounds of sand?


are you kidding me?

its definitely notbsafe even if you consume 1 pound of sand

you'll get sick or even die


sorry if im wrong

14. bilangan kubik antara 2000-3700

Bilangan kubik antara 2.000-3.700 adalah
13 pangkat 3 = 2.197
14 pangkat 3 = 2.744
15 pangkat tiga = 3.375
Bilangan kubik antara 2.000-3.700 adalah
13 pangkat 3 = 2.197
14 pangkat 3 = 2.744
15 pangkat tiga = 3.375

15. 3700 dam +50hm=.........km​


3700 dam + 50 hm

= (3700/100) km + (50/10) hm

= 37 km + 5 km

= 42 km


3700 dam +50hm=.........km

(3700/100 +50/10

=37+ 5

=42 km

16. mario needs 300 grams of cheese to put on a pizza he has only 210 grams how much more chesse does he need​

He needs 90 grams of cheese.


300 grams - 210 grams

= 90 grams

mAriO needs another 90 grams cheese

17. a ditambah 3700 = 6950 ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]a + 3700 = 6950[/tex]

[tex]a = 6950 - 3700[/tex]

[tex]{ \boxed{ \boxed{a = 3250}}}[/tex]


a = 6950 - 3700a=6950−3700

{a = 3250}}}



a = 6950 - 3700a=6950−3700

18. 10.) jake harvested 30 pounds of eggplants and 90 pounds of carrots. what is the ratio of eggplants to carrots



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Kan yang ditanya ratio/perbandingan ya, jadi tinggal kita bandingin aja :

Eggplants : Carrots

30 : 90

Disederhanakan dengan dibagi 30, jadi =

Eggplants : Carrots


Semoga membantu, yaa.

19. how many grams of pure copper must be added to 20 grams of an alloy containing 40% copper to produce an alloy containing 60% copper?

20 gr alloy mengandung 40% copper.
Itu berarti jumlah copper = 8 gr
Karena 40/100 x 20 = 8

Untuk membuat alloy nya mengandung 60% copper, itu berarti copper nya harus ditambah 20%, kan? :)
20/100 x 20 = 4 gr

20 % nya kita tambahin dengan 40% yang tadi

8 gr + 4 gr = 12 gr

Eh, soalnya gampang ternyata ya?

Semoga jawabannya betul, wkwk.

20. berapa akar dari 3700 ?

mungkin √100.37 = 10√37

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