Relay For Life Fundraising Ideas

Relay For Life Fundraising Ideas

Relay For Life Fundraising Ideas

Hold a Bake Sale

Bake sales are a great way to raise money for Relay for Life. You can ask your students to bake their favorite treats and then set up a table to sell them. You can also include other snacks like chips, candy, and drinks. This is a great way to get the whole school involved in the fundraising effort.

Organize a Car Wash

Car washes are another popular fundraising event that your students can organize to raise money for Relay for Life. Have your students gather up some supplies and set up a car wash in the school parking lot. They can charge a small fee per car and all of the proceeds can go towards Relay for Life.

Hold a Raffle

Raffles are a great way to get the whole school involved in fundraising for Relay for Life. You can ask local businesses to donate items that can be used as prizes in the raffle. Have your students sell tickets for the raffle and then draw the winners at the end. All of the proceeds from ticket sales can go towards Relay for Life.

Sell T-Shirts

T-shirts are a great way for your students to show their support for Relay for Life. Have your students design a t-shirt with the Relay for Life logo and message. Then have them sell the t-shirts to their classmates and the community. All of the proceeds from t-shirt sales can go towards Relay for Life.

Host an Online Auction

Online auctions are becoming increasingly popular as a way to raise money for charity. Have your students gather up items to be auctioned off and then set up an online auction page. People can bid on the items and all of the proceeds can go towards Relay for Life. This is a great way to get people from all over the world involved in the fundraising effort.

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Questions and Answers:

1. What ia the " relay for life


estafet untuk seumur hidup

2. buat percakapan asking for and giving ideas ( panjang )

1).mark:what do you think about meeting people online?
jhon:i think it is cool/great
2).tom:what do you think about meeting people online?
robert:from my point of is risky

3. Give me....ideas for our next vacation​


give ne a ideas for our next vacation


semoga membantmaaf kalo salah

4. Fungsi dari smart relay dan perbedaan dari smart relay dengan plc?


smart relay adalah sebuah pengontrol otomatis berbasis logika yang berukuran relatif kecil sebagai pengganti sistem kendali seperti Counter, relay dan Kontaktor biasa.

Perbedaan smart relay dengan PLC adalah PLC dan Smart Relay memiliki peran yang sama yaitu untuk mengontrol suatu sistem pada suatu mesin atau alat yang awalnya manual menjadi Otomatis, dengan adanya ke-dua alat pengontrol tersebut, pekerjaan manusia lebih ringan dan terbantu. Untuk perbedaannya sendiri bisa dilihat pada bentuk dan isi dari kapasitas yang di ciptakan, contoh sederhananya bisa dilihat pada leader diagram, PLC jauh lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan Smart Relay jika dilihat dari Leader Diagram, sebenarnya masih banyak perbedaan yang bisa di ambil, namun dari hal tersebut merupakan salah satu contoh perbedaan yang ada.




ATTRACTION FOR YOUR LIFE: Hiburan untuk hidupmu



daya tarik untuk hidup Anda

6. Apa maksud dari Tema " Water For Life " ?

air untuk kehidupan . karena tanpa air kita tidak dapat hidupsecara bahasa water for life berarti air untuk kehidupan...... tapi, makna dari kalimat itu ialah kita harus menghargai dan menghemat air untuk kita srmua..... maaf kalo salah

7. buat percakapan asking for and giving ideas panjang ya

dian : Hey Indana ! Do you know the hot news in our school ?
Indana : Yes, I know. About the minimum score, isn’t it ?
dian : Yes, exactly. What do you think ?
Indana : I think it so high. I believe that is bad idea.
dian : I don’t think so. Precisely with the 70 score, we can go into the University easily. With PMDK program.
Indana : Yes, I know it. But, for everyday it so hard.
dian : Maybe, it can be the pole for us to be better than yesterday. I hope we can do it. Although it so hard.
Indana : yeah

8. she always _ briliant ideas for my lincah everyday​




Jadikan jawaban terbaik !!Semangat belajar !!


She always have/hadbrillliant ideas for my lincah everyday

9. Tuliskan gerakan dari for healthy life​


Melakukan aktivitas fisik

"Jangan lupa untuk melakukan peregangan atau olahraga minimal 30 menit dalam sehari," ucap Nina dalam di Gedung Sujudi, Kementerian Kesehatan RI, Jakarta Selatan.


jangan lupa follow aku ya

10. Apa yang dimaksud dengan "Getting Management Attention for Ideas and Innovations"? Terima kasih




semoga membantu Anda ya

11. what's this life for?

this life is for make a good atitudemaking my experience...

12. apa tugas dan wewenang Fundraising?​



13. what's this life for?

kita manusia hidup agar kita dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dalam hidup dan memiliki keturunan apa artinya hidup ini untuk.
**semoga membantu**

14. Give me....ideas for our next vacation​


You can go to Bali or Jakarta


Bali's beach is so beautiful

and you can play at Dufan in Jakarta


up to you the important fit

15. tolong buat kan saya percakapan 2 orang tentang Asking For And Giving Ideas

The sample Dialogue Asking and Giving Opinion. 

Mr.Rasyid           : What’s your opinion about The New English Book?

waldan                 : My opinion is such an expensive book. 

Mr. rasyid           : Very good. How about you Lisa?

Gibran                 : Well, I think it’s  Ok. I Like That. it’s not too thick and no expensive. 

Mr. rasyid           : Good. Any body has another opinion?

Tegar                    : Yes, I have. My opinion is that book is too thick. 

Mr. rasyid           : Good. All your answers are correct. Do you understand, students?

Students              : Yes. We got it, sir.

Mr. rasyid           : Great. You’re really smart.

Students              : Thank you.

Asking and Giving Ideas:
A: "Holidays, we are coming. What are you opinion guys, where are we going to vacation next week? Can you give your opinion about that?"
B: "Umm i think we can go to Bali Island, but if it's too far, we can go to Malang. There is so many museum and play park, and also there is so many beautiful resort on Malang."
A: "That is a good idea!" 

16. arti dari istilah water for life

AIR UNTUK HIDUP(AIR KE HIDUPAN)salah yg agus jawab !,yg benar hidup itu seperti air yg terus mengalir !

17. apa arti enjoy for life​

nikmati seumur hidup

maaf ya kalo salah
semoga membantu :)Enjoy For Life

nikmatilah hidup Anda

18. Apa perbedaannya Fundraising dengan Sponsorship dalam sebuah event?

Fundraising adalah orang yang mengalangkan dana. Sedangkan sponsorship adalah telah di tentukan oleh beberapa merek. *maaf kalau salah

sponsorship adalah dukungan finansial atau materi pendukung kpd suatu organisasi.

19. Apa arti go wild for life​


menjadi liar seumur hidup


maaf kalo salah


menjadi liar seumur hidup.

semoga membantu

20. is technology important for life

adalah teknologi penting Untuk kehidupanYes, it is. Technology is very important in our life because the technology helpful in many ways. For example in communication we can use smartphone, if we want to wash clothes we can use washing machine and other ways.

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