1 2 Assignment Benefits Of Global Expansion

1 2 Assignment Benefits Of Global Expansion

Global expansion offers numerous benefits to businesses, from increased market access and economies of scale to increased profits and diversification of risk. Through global expansion, businesses can access and serve customers in new markets, which can open up a range of opportunities for profitable growth. Global expansion can also enable businesses to take advantage of economies of scale, which can be achieved by producing goods in large quantities and reducing overall costs. Additionally, businesses can diversify their risk by entering new markets and expanding their customer base. Finally, businesses can benefit from increased profits through global expansion, since businesses can tap into new markets and increase their customer base. **What are some of the risks associated with global expansion?** Some of the risks associated with global expansion include political and economic instability in foreign markets, currency fluctuations, and difficulty in complying with foreign regulations. Additionally, businesses may encounter problems with language, culture, and communication when entering new markets, as well as logistical challenges associated with shipping and distributing goods. Finally, businesses may also face higher costs associated with international operations, such as taxes and tariffs.

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Questions and Answers:

1. What are the benefits of global warming?


there's no benefit of global warming because global warming simply cause us more troubles for example tsunami caused by the ice in South Pole and North Pole melt

2. Find the expansion of( 2x -1/x)^5 Hence find the coefficient of x in the expansion of (1+3x^2) (2x-1/x)^5

Find the expansion of

[tex](2x-\frac{1}{x} )^5[/tex]

the coefficient of [tex]x^5[/tex]  is [tex]C(5,5)\times2^5\times(-1)^0=1\times32\times1=32[/tex]

the coefficient of [tex]x^3[/tex] is [tex]C(5,4)\times2^4\times(-1)^1=5\times16\times(-1)=-80[/tex]

the coefficient of [tex]x[/tex] is [tex]C(5,3)\times2^3\times(-1)^2=10\times8\times1=80[/tex]

the coefficient of [tex]\frac{1}{x}[/tex] is [tex]C(5,2)\times2^2\times(-1)^3=10\times4\times(-1)=-40[/tex]

the coefficient of [tex]\frac{1}{x^3}[/tex] is [tex]C(5,1)\times2^1\times(-1)^4=5\times2\times1=10[/tex]

the coefficient of [tex]\frac{1}{x^5}[/tex] is [tex]C(5,0)\times2^0\times(-1)^5=1\times1\times(-1)=-1[/tex]

so, [tex](2x-\frac{1}{x} )^5=32x^5-80x^3+80x-\frac{40}{x} +\frac{10}{x^3} -\frac{1}{x^5}[/tex]

will look for the coefficient of [tex]x[/tex] in the expansion of

[tex](1+3x^2)(2x-\frac{1}{x} )^5[/tex]

since [tex]x=x^2\times\frac{1}{x}[/tex], the coefficient is


3. 1. What is Expansion of Heat??​


expansion of shape due to heat (pemuaian)


maaf kalo salah

4. Mention 2 goals and benefits of cooperative?​


What are the benefits of cooperative?

Image result for Mention 2 goals and benefits of cooperative? ​

Share the Benefits! | Six Benefits of Cooperatives in Development

Tackling poverty and creating food security. ...

Providing affordable finance. ...

Building local expertise and profits. ...

International cooperation. ...

Creating decent jobs. ...

Empowering women.


5. What are the benefits of being a sincere person? Mention 2 benefits!

Jawaban :

2benefits of being sincere person (in my opinion)

- We can find a lot of friends and advantages for example, we got more love and trust from our closest people.

- We easily do more activities because there's no some guilty feeelings and we got more serenity for through our life.

hope it helpful ya!!

6. Mention two of the benefits of reading

1. The benefit of reading increases our knowlegde
2. The benefit of reading knows many kind of informations
3. The benefit of reading understand the thing that we did not know

7. mention some Benefits of lavender​


bunga lavender kali . hehe



1. Menyembuhkan jerawat

2. Menyembuhkan eksim

3. Mendetoksifikasi kulit

4. Menyembuhkan luka bakar

5. Menyembuhkan luka gigitan serangga

6. Menyegarkan otot yang lelah

7. Toner

8. Kerontokan rambut

9. Alopecia aerata

10. Antiketombe

11. Menghilangkan kutu

12. Kondisioner

13. Menyembuhkan Insomnia

14. Membantu mengurangi kecemasan dan depresi

15. Menyembuhkan sakit kepala

16. Memperlancar pencernaan

17. Menyembuhkan luka

18. Menghilangkan mual

19. Mengurangi kembung

20. Parfum alami


1. Cure acne

2. Cure eczema

3. Detoxifies the skin

4. Cure burns

5. Heal insect bite wounds

6. Refresh tired muscles

7. Toner

8. Hair loss

9. Alopecia aerata

10. Anti-dandruff

11. Eliminating fleas

12. Conditioner

13. Cure Insomnia

14. Helps reduce anxiety and depression

15. Cure headaches

16. Facilitate digestion

17. Heal wounds

18. Eliminates nausea

19. Reduces bloating

20. Natural perfume

maaf kalau salah...

semoga membantu^^

8. What are the benefits of gardening? What are the benefits of reading?

the benefits of gardening

we can plant flowershas many types of plantsknow the types of flowers and plantsmake use of spaceadd to the beauty

benefit of reading:

increase knowledgemake us smart make use of free time

9. Buatlah soal dari rumus Expansion Of a Sum​


Fungsi Sum menambahkan nilai.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Anda dapat menambahkan nilai individual, referensi sel atau rentang, atau campuran ketiganya.


=SUM(A2:A10) Menambahkan nilai dalam sel A2:10.

=SUM(A2:A10, C2:C10) Menambahkan nilai dalam sel A2:10, serta sel C2: C10.

Semoga bermanfaat, maaf kalau saya salah.

10. what is the expansion of x^2+2xy+y^2

like that, insyaAllahx² + 2xy + y² is the expansion from :

= (x + y)(x + y)
= (x + y)²

proof can be seen from the picture above

11. benefits of peanuts?​




selamat belajar


Benefitsisaccompany you when you are bored




12. Benefits of learning explanation text


1. It increases your insight into scientific things. 2. Increases insight into what's happening.


I hope this helps

13. what are the benefits of reading a label of a product? mention at least 2 benefits

we can information about nutrition fact, we can know how to make this food on this labelwe can information about nutrition fact

14. Mention 2 benefits of corn for health!


1. Improves vision health.

2. prevent heart problems.

3. Overcoming anemia.

4. Lower cholesterol .

5. Boost the immune system.


I hope this helps ... (•‿•)

Have a good study .. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Mensehatkan mata

Baik untuk ibu hamil

15. Benefits of social interaction

Avoid social phobia when someone fear of embarrassment in social situations, having serious negative effects on personal relationships.

Semoga bermanfaat ^^

16. 1. What is the meaning of benefits? 2. Write 4 benefits of having regular exercise! Mohon dibantu ya kak... besok UTS Makasih

1. Benefits mean 'manfaat' dalam bahasa.
2. - It can help with weight loss
- Can increase your energy levels
- Help your brain health and memory
- Make bones more strong

semoga membantu :)

17. Benefits of Sugarless Coffee?​


Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee help in prevention of diabetes. Having black coffee without sugar keeps your mind and body young. Black coffee also helps in preventing Parkinson's disease by boosting the dopamine levels in the body.

18. Write the benefits of plant


the benefits is plant giving us oxygen


follow ya

19. benefits of sports essay


bahasa Inggris:

Muscle cramps are usually a result of misusing physical movements. Fortunately, such risks can be reduced by taking an end - of - exercise cooling. With the proper cooling movement, muscle relaxes and blood circulation become more optimal.

bahasa Indonesia:

Kram otot biasanya terjadi akibat salah melakukan gerakan saat olahraga. Untungnya, risiko tersebut bisa diperkecil dengan melakukan pendinginan usai olahraga. Dengan gerakan pendinginan yang tepat, otot akan lebih relaks dan sirkulasi darah pun akan menjadi lebih optimal.






jadikan jawaban terbaik/tercerdas ya.....

20. if the area expansion coefficient of iron is 0.000024/c, the volume expansion coeffcient of iron is


The volume expansion coefficient of iron is 0.000072/°C.

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