Introduction to 10 cm in Diameter
What is 10 cm in Diameter?
10 cm in diameter is a measurement of the size of a circle, typically used to measure the size of circular objects. It is calculated by measuring the distance from one side of the circle to the other side, also known as the diameter.Why is 10 cm in Diameter Used?
10 cm in diameter is a commonly used measurement, as it is a good size for a variety of objects. It is a useful measurement for items such as coins, plates, cups, and other circular objects.How to Measure 10 cm in Diameter
Measuring 10 cm in diameter is a simple process. To do so, you will need a ruler or measuring tape. Start by placing one end of the ruler or measuring tape at one side of the circle and measure to the other side. The measurement should be 10 cm in order for the circle to be 10 cm in diameter.Examples of 10 cm in Diameter
Some examples of objects that measure 10 cm in diameter include a CD, a DVD, a standard coin, a drinking glass, and a dinner plate.Conclusion
10 cm in diameter is a useful measurement for a variety of objects. It is easily measured using a ruler or measuring tape. Examples of objects that measure 10 cm in diameter include CDs, DVDs, coins, drinking glasses, and dinner plates.Related Video:
Questions and Answers:
1. 6. Tentukan volume tabung yang panjang diameter 7 dm dan tingginya 20 dm!in izricari 6 cm dan tinggi 10 cmTentukan luas
770 dm³
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Rumus Volume Tabung:
[tex]\pi \times {r}^{2} \times t[/tex]
D= 7 DM
r= 7÷2= 3,5 DM
[tex] \frac{22}{7} \times {3.5}^{2} \times 20[/tex]
[tex] \frac{22}{7} \times 12.25 \times 20 = 770 {dm}^{3} [/tex]
Penjelasan:12,25 dibagi 7 = 1,75.
jadi 22×1,75×20= 770dm³
2. 6. Sebuah cincin diukur diameternya menggunakan jangka sorong dan diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut. 2 3 5 0 10 llustrator: Yulia Aninditia с in un ut in n. at ка ra Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran tersebut, diameter cincin sebesar .... A.1,44 cm b.1.54 cm c.1,59 cm d.1,64 cm
1,5 + (4x0,01cm)
1,5 + 0,04 = 1,54 cm
3. A cylindrical paint can has a diameter 14 cm and a height of 10 cm. Find the capacity of the can in mililitres
diameter = 14 cm
height = 10 cm
the capacity
= 1/4 × phi × diameter^2 × height
= 1/4 × 22/7 × 14 cm × 14 cm × 10 cm
= 1540 cm^3
= 1540 mililitres
so the capacity of the paint can in mililitres is 1540 mililitres
4. descriptive text! read this text carefully! papaya tree papaya tree is a tropical fruit and narative to teh tropics of the amerika, and was cultivated in mexico several centuries ago. it's sometimes called tree melon or pawpaw, but the north american pawpaw is different species, in the genus asimmina. it's alarge tree-like plant, the singel stem grows about 10 m tall, with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk. the lower trunk is conspicously scarred where leaves and fruit borne. the flowers are similar in shape to the flowers of the plumeria but are much smaller and wax like. they appear on the axils of the leaves, maturing into the large 15-45 cm long. the fruit is about 10-30 cm in diameter. the fruit is ripe when it feels soft ( like a ripe avocado or a bit softer ) and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue. the fruits taste is vaguely similar to peaneapple and peach, altrough much milder without the tartness. a. read the text about papaya tree, then answer the following questions! 1. what is the purpose of the text? 2. write to the identification of the text? 3. which paragraph describes the leaves? 4. write a sentence them desribes the fruit? 5. write 5 adjectives in the text box above? 6. write 4 adverbs based on the text above? tolong kerjain yg isi an ya... inform the reader about papaya
3.paragraph 2
4. on last paragraph(3
)the fruit is about 10-30 cm in diameter. the fruit is ripe when it feels soft ( like a ripe avocado or a bit softer ) and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue. the fruits taste is vaguely similar to peaneapple and peach, altrough much milder without the tartness.
1. describe about papaya tree
2. papaya tree is a tropical fruit and narative to teh tropics of the amerika, and was cultivated in mexico several centuries ago. it's sometimes called tree melon or pawpaw, but the north american pawpaw is different species, in the genus asimmina.
3. paragraph 2
4. the fruit is about 10-30 cm in diameter. the fruit is ripe when it feels soft ( like a ripe avocado or a bit softer ) and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue. the fruits taste is vaguely similar to peaneapple and peach, altrough much milder without the tartness.
5. - tall
- long
- similar
- smaller
- large
6. - flower
- leaves
- america
- fruit
5. 1. The radius of a cylinder's base is 7 cm and the height of the cylinder is 15 cm. The total surface area of the cylinder is ……. Cm2 ( taking π≈ 22/7 ) * 2.The diameter of a cone's base is 10 cm. If the slant height of the cone is 13 cm, the volume of the cone is ……. Cm3. ( taking π≈ 3.14 ) * 3.The volume of a cone is 462 cm3. If the height of the cone is 9 cm, the radius of the cone base is ..... Cm * 4.The volume of a sphere is 288π cm3. The total surface area of the sphere is …. Cm2. ( state your answer in π ) * 5.The first cylinder has a radius of 4 cm and its height is 10 cm. The second cylinder has a radius of 6 cm and its height is 8 cm. The ratio of volume of both cylinders is ……. *
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
1. r = 7cm
h = 15 cm
A =2πrh
= 2 x 22/7× 7cm x 15cm
= 660cm²
2. D = 10 cm
r = 5cm
s = 13 cm
find h use pitagoras
h² = 13²cm² - 5²cm²
h =√144cm² = 12cm
V =⅓πr²h
= ⅓ x3.14 x 5²cm² x 12cm
= 314cm³
3. Vcone = 462cm³
h = 9cm
Vcone= ⅓πr²h
462cm³ = ⅓ π r² x 9 cm
r² = 462cm³ / 3π
= 49cm²
r = √49cm² = 7cm
4. Vsphere = 288π cm³
⅓x4πr³ = 288π cm³
r³ = 288π cm³ x ¾π
= 216cm³
r = ³√216cm³ = 6cm
A = 4πr²
= 4π x 6²cm²
= 144π cm²
5. r¹ = 4 cm
h¹ = 10 cm
r2 = 6 cm
h2 = 8 cm
V1 = V2
πr1²h = πr2²h ==>divide by π
r1²h = r2²h
4²cm²x10cm = 6²cm²x 8cm
160 cm ⅔= 288cm³
= 5 : 9
6. Papaya Tree Papaya tree is a tropical fruit and native to the tropics of the Americas, and was cultivated in Mexico several centuries ago. It is sometimes called "tree melon" or "pawpaw", but the North America pawpaw is a different species, in the genus Asimina. It is a large tree-like plant, the single stem grows about 10 meters tall, with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk. The lower trunk is conspicuously scarred where leaves and fruit were borne. The leaves are large. They are about 50-70 cm diameter, and deeply palmately lobed with 7 lobes. The tree is usually unbranched if unlopped. The flowers are similiar in shape to the flowers of the Plumeria but are much smaller and wax like. They appear on the axils of the leaves, maturing into the large 15-45 cm long. The fruit is about 10-30 cm in diameter. The fruit is ripe when it feels soft (like a ripe avocado or a bit softer) and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue. The fruit's taste is vaguely similiar to pineapple and peach, although much milder without the tartness. 1. Write 4 adverbs(of time) based on the text above? 2. Find the meaning of them in your dictionary! a. Spirally = b. Palmately = c. Unbranched = d. Unlopped = e. Axil =
1. - when it feels soft (maaf cuma ketemu 1 doang)
2. gatau maafyang jd pertanyaannya apa...?
7. A thin, semitransparent film of gold (p=19.300 kg/m^3)has an area of 14.5 cm^2 and mass of 1.93 mg. a. What is the volume of 1.93 mg of gold? b. What is the thickness of the film in angstrooms,where 1 A=10^-10 m? c.Gold atoms have a diameter of about 5 A. how many atoms thick is the film?
Lapisan tipis emas semitransparan (p = 19.300 kg / m ^ 3) memiliki luas 14,5 cm ^ 2 dan massa 1,93 mg. Sebuah. Berapa volume 1,93 mg emas? b. Berapakah ketebalan film di ruang sudut, di mana 1 A = 10 ^ -10 m? c. atom emas memiliki diameter sekitar 5 A. berapa tebal atom film tersebut ?
artinya kakak semoga membantu
8. 2.Read the text then answer the questions no. 10-12My brother, Rizal, and I made the garden benches when myfather cut down the old mango tree behind our house threeweeksago. We saw a big piece of wood. Then we had an idea.We told Dad we wanted to make garden benches. He agreedand he would help us. Then, he sawed the trunk into threepieces. 25 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height. After that Rizaland I rubbed them with sandpaper to make them smooth.Finally, we dried them in the sun again for three days.10. What did they make?Piece of wood C. Mango treeGarden benches D. The trunk of the tree11. "Then, he sawed the trunk into three pieces"What is the suitable word to replace the underlined word?A. CutB. sawC. Broke D. brought12. What is the purpose of the text?A. To describe the pieces of wood.B. to entertain the reader about the woodC. To tell the reader how to make garden benchesD. To retell the writer's experience in making gardenbenches tolong bantu kk besok kumpul(bukan terjemahan)
10. B. Garden benches
11. saya tidak tahu ,karena tidak ada yang digaris bawahi
12. C. To tell the reader how to make garden benches
Semoga bermanfaat...
9. En bilangan di bawah in7. Diberikan * = 24 dany - 54. Tentukan hasil operasi di bawah ini. Tuliskanjawabanmu dalam bentuk perpangkatan yang paling Islama.xxyb.V8. Berapakah hasil operasi perpangkatan 4923 - 246529. Berapa banyak detik dalam kurun waktu 60.000 tahun? Tuliskan hasilnya dalamnotasi ilmiah.b10. Tuliskan hasil operasi perpangkatan berikut ini.16C.a. 8 x 2624d.b. 54 x 509873acara11. Tantangan Padalomba 17Agustusan di SMPN 1 Taman, diadakanlomba mengisi air dalam wadah berbentukkerucut dengan melewati perjalanan sejauh5 m. Pada pengambilan awal, tiap pesertamengisi setiap wadah secara penuh. SetiapSumber: Dokumen Kemdikbudmeter yang ditempuh maka air akan1berkurang sebanyakbagian. Berapakah10air yang terkumpul dalam satu kali perjalanan? (ukuran wadah: diameter = 10 cm1dengan tinggi 12 cm. Vart).3kerucutSMP/MTSKELAS1 dalam notasi ilmiah.12. Urutkan bilangan berikut ini, dari yang terbesar ke terkecil.7d. 0,98 x 104IXa.
soal nya kurang jelas ga ngerti saya
10. 1.2.105 KMcm2x 10-5.2*1100.0002.IB terameter.meter. In terameter: 153. 100mm.–109: 109megameter4.20 m:mikromeroB. 5.10^9mikrometer, cm6. 6.100 nanometer– meterI. 3.000.000 Km.– exameter86 gigameter:meter9. Arometer.desemeter10. 40109Fentometer: – KM.
itu sudah benar trus di apain lgi maaf aku gk tau
11. c.0I.c.3.C.10. Who cut down the old mango tree?Rizalb. 1Their fatherd Rizal and i11 Ilow long is diameter?20 cmb. 25 cm52 cmd. 35 cm12. How many days did they dry in the sun at last?One weekb. Two daysThree daysd. For one monthHappy Mothers Day!dear mom,I wish your daysbe blessedWith smile, love and happinessLove you so much.Your son,Ali13. Who is the letter for?a Alib. Al's motherSusand. Flis friends14. When is the mother's day?On 25 Decemberb. On 22 DecemberOn 21 Aprild. On 21 JuneC.a.To rosa,of the story
maafin kalo salah ya maapin
10.their father
11.25 cm
12three days
13.ali's mother
14.on 22 december
12. the fruit is about 10-30 cm in diameter , the fruit is ripe when it feels soft ( like a ripe avocado or a bit softer ) and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue . the fruits taste is vaguely similar to pineapple and peach,although much milder without the tartness tolong diartikan y b inggrisnya plizz soalnya buat besok
Buahnya berdiameter 10-30 cm, buahnya matang apabila dagingnya terasa lembut (seperti alpukat matang atau sedikit lebih lembut) dan kulitnya telah mencapai rona kuning hingga oranye. Rasa buahnya samar-samar mirip dengan nanas dan persik, meski jauh lebih lembut tanpa rasa tajam
13. mm 2 3 13. Air minum bersih dan sehat adalah kebutuhan mutlak manusia. Warga RT 05 Ledok- sari telah memilik kesadaran penuh erkait kebutuhan tersebut. Dalam rangka hidup sehat dan memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih, warga RT membuat jaringan PAMDUS. Mereka membuat komunitas bernama Tirta Wening. Tirta Wening akan membuat in- stalasi utama sepanjang 54 meter. Mereka membeli pipa air sebanyak 15 batang. Pi- lihan ukuran pipa sebagaimana daftar berikut! Diameter Tebal Diameter Panjang Berat (Kg) Inch Dinding (mm) Dalam (mm) Meter / Batang 1/2" 224 1,5 19 4. 0,62 3/4" 26 2 1,8 22,4 4 0,862 1" 32 3 2 28 4 1,177 1-1/4" 42 a 2,3 37,4 4 1,774 1-1/2" 48 2,3 43,4 4 2,043 6 2" 60 2,3 2,582 2-1/2" 76 2,6 70,8 3,744 8 3" 89 3,1 82,8 5,153 9 4" 114 4,1 105,8 4. 8,661 5" 140 5,4 129,2 4 13,864 6,4 152,2 4 19,321 8" 216 8,3 199,4 4 32,748 10" 267 10,3 246,4 50,135 12" 318 12,2 293,6 4 70,687 a $ 55,4 4 7 il in 0 1651 (2) D? 19 Diameter pipa yang dibeli berukuran 2” (2 inch). Penyambungan pipa dlakukan de- ngan memasukkan salah satu ujung pipa ke pipa lain sedalam 50 mm. Pada akhir pemasangan, kelebihan pipa yang dipotong maksimal sepanjang .... A. 600 cm B. 535 cm C. 200 cm D. 135 cm
Salah satu upaya untuk menjaga kualitas air adalah dengan melestarikan dan menjaga lingkungan agar tidak terkena polusi. Penyuluhan untuk hidup bersih yang dilakukan di sekolah juga merupakan contoh upaya yang didukung oleh WHO di Indonesia.
Mustika Village Sukamulya memiliki Water Treatment Plant (WTP) atau Pengolahan Air Bersih. Pengolahan ini sudah jadi dan sudah beroperasi sehingga air yang ada di sini terjamin kebersihannya.
Manfaat Air Bersih
Manfaat Air Bersih
Mengapa harus menggunakan air bersih? Selain sangat dianjurkan bagi kesehatan, Ini dia manfaat air bersih yang harus kamu ketahui.
1. Dapat memenuhi cairan dalam tubuh
Kadar air yang ada di tubuh manusia adalah 50%-80% sehingga kamu sangat membutuhkan air. Kekurangan air dapat menyebabkan konsentrasi turun dan rentan terhadap penyakit. Pasti ketika kamu sakit akan dianjurkan minum air putih yang cukup.
2. Membantu kegiatan sehari-hari
Air bersih sangat dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan sehari-hari seperti memasak dan mencuci. Jika air yang kita gunakan untuk memasak tidak bersih maka akan rentan terserang penyakit. Baju yang kita cuci juga tidak bersih maksimal.
3. Irigasi pertanian
Air bersih juga merupakan faktor kesuksesan panen. Air yang kotor bisa mengganggu kesuburan tanah. Bila tanah tidak subur sama dengan menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman.
4. Menjaga ekosistem lingkungan
Tentu ekosistem yang ada akan terjaga dengan adanya air bersih. Tanaman dan makhluk hidup yang ada di air bisa hidup dan berkembang biak dengan baik. Kehidupan akan semakin sejahtera dengan adanya air yang bersih.
Ciri-ciri Air Bersih
Ciri ciri Air Bersih
Pastikan kamu mengetahui ciri-ciri air bersih berikut ini. Supaya kamu bisa mengidentifikasi air yang kamu dapatkan dari sumber alam benar-benar terjaga kebersihannya.
1. Tidak memiliki rasa
Ciri ini adalah indikator utama kebersihan sebuah air. Jika air memiliki rasa maka kemungkinan besar air tersebut tidak bersih. Rasa yang timbul pada air dihasilkan dari zat-zat yang tidak seharusnya ada seperti bakteri.
2. Tidak memiliki bau
Sama seperti rasa, bau yang ada pada air disebabkan oleh bakteri dan pembusukan zat organik. Hal ini menunjukkan sanitasi air yang rendah. Jika mendapatkan air yang berbau sebaiknya lakukan lah perlakuan khusus sebelum menggunakan air tersebut.
3. Jernih
Air bersih memiliki tingkat kejernihan yang stabil. Coba tuang air pada sebuah wadah dan diamkan, jika air tersebut tetap jernih maka air tersebut merupakan air bersih namun jika muncul endapan atau warna menempel pada wadah maka air tersebut tidak bersih.
Selain ciri-ciri yang bisa kamu identifikasi sendiri, terdapat beberapa syarat air dinyatakan bersih dan dapat dikonsumsi secara kimiawi.
4. Memiliki pH netral
pH menunjukkan kadar asam/basa pada sebuah substansi. Skala asam/basa adalah dari 1 hingga 14. Tingkat pH agar air aman digunakan adalah 6,5 hingga 8,5. Cara mengetahui pH air ini harus menggunakan sebuah alat.
5. Tidak mengandung zat kimia berlebih
Zat kimia pada air tetap dibutuhkan untuk tubuh namun jika air memiliki kadar zat kimia berlebih maka akan merusak kesehatan. Zat tembaga pada air dibutuhkan untuk tubuh namun jika air mengandung zat ini terlalu banyak maka akan membuat kerusakan pada hati.
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
14. HAYY KAA BANTU IN AKU YYA,TOLONG PAKE DIKETAHUI DITANYA DAN DI JAWAB, MAKASII1. apabila diketahui volume balok 720 cm3 memiliki panjang 15 cm dan lebar 8 cm. Maka tinggi balok tersebut adalah ….Jawab: 2. apabila terdapat sebuah kaleng susu berbentuk tabung yang memiliki jari-jari 10 cm dan tingginya 28 cm, maka volume kaleng tersebut adalah ….Jawab: 3. aebuah bangun ruang Limas memiliki alas berbentuk segitiga dengan Panjang alas 6 cm dan tinggi 8 cm. Apabila tinggi Limas tersebut 15 cm, maka volumenya … cm3Jawab: 4. volume kerucut dengan diameter 14 cm dan tinggi 24 cm adalah ….Jawab:
1) 6cm
2) 8.792
3) 120cm³
4) 1.232cm³
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
1 ) Diketahui :
1V. balok = 720 cm³
p = 15 cm
l = 8 cm
Soal : t ?
Jawab :
V = p x l x t
720 = 15 x 8 x t
720 = 120 x t
t = 720 : 120
t = 6 cm
Jadi, tinggi bangun ruang balok tersebut adalah 6 cm
2 ) v tabung = π × r × r × t
= 3,14 × 10 × 10 × 28
= 31,4 × 10 × 28
= 314 × 28
= 8.792
3) v : ⅓×luas
Alas×t: ⅓×½×6×8×15 : 2×4×15 = 120 cm³
4)Dik :
d = 14 cm , r = 7 cm
t = 24 cm
π = 22/7
Dit :
V = ... ?
Jawab :
V:⅓×22/7×(7²) ×24cm
V:1.232 cm³
15. a. read the text about papaya tree, then answer the following questions! 1. what is the purpose of the text? 2. write to the identification of the text? 3. which paragraph describes the leaves? 4. write a sentence them desribes the fruit? 5. write 5 adjectives in the text box above? 6. write 4 adverbs based on the text above? tolong kerjain yg isi an ya ceritanya ada di bawah.... Descriptive text! read this text carefully! papaya tree papaya tree is a tropical fruit and narative to teh tropics of the amerika, and was cultivated in mexico several centuries ago. it's sometimes called tree melon or pawpaw, but the north american pawpaw is different species, in the genus asimmina. it's alarge tree-like plant, the singel stem grows about 10 m tall, with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk. the lower trunk is conspicously scarred where leaves and fruit borne. the flowers are similar in shape to the flowers of the plumeria but are much smaller and wax like. they appear on the axils of the leaves, maturing into the large 15-45 cm long. the fruit is about 10-30 cm in diameter. the fruit is ripe when it feels soft ( like a ripe avocado or a bit softer ) and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue. the fruits taste is vaguely similar to peaneapple and peach, altrough much milder without the tartness. inform the reader about papaya
3.paragraph 2
4. on last paragraph(3
)the fruit is about 10-30 cm in diameter. the fruit is ripe when it feels soft ( like a ripe avocado or a bit softer ) and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue. the fruits taste is vaguely similar to peaneapple and peach, altrough much milder without the tartness.
1. describe about papaya tree
2. papaya tree is a tropical fruit and narative to teh tropics of the amerika, and was cultivated in mexico several centuries ago. it's sometimes called tree melon or pawpaw, but the north american pawpaw is different species, in the genus asimmina.
3. paragraph 2
4. the fruit is about 10-30 cm in diameter. the fruit is ripe when it feels soft ( like a ripe avocado or a bit softer ) and its skin has attained an amber to orange hue. the fruits taste is vaguely similar to peaneapple and peach, altrough much milder without the tartness.
5. - tall
- long
- similar
- smaller
- large
6. - flower
- leaves
- america
- fruit
16. Consider a cold aluminum canned drink that is initially at a uniform temperature of 4°C. The can is 12.5 cm high and has a diameter of 6 cm. If the combined convection/radiation heat transfer coefficient between the can and the surrounding air at 25°C is 10 W/m2 · °C, determine how long it will take for the average temperature of the drink to rise to 15°C.In an effort to slow down the warming of the cold drink, a person puts the can in a perfectly fitting 1-cm-thick cylindrical rubber insulator (k= 0.13 W/m · °C). Now how long will it take for the average temperature of the drink to rise to 15°C? Assume the top of the can is not covered.
Pertimbangkan minuman kaleng aluminium dingin yang awalnya bersuhu 4 ° C. Kaleng memiliki tinggi 12,5 cm dan memiliki diameter 6 cm. jika koefisien perpindahan panas konveksi / radiasi gabungan antara kaleng dan udara di sekitarnya pada 25 ° C adalah 10 W / m2 · ° C, tentukan berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk rata-rata suhu minuman naik menjadi 15 ° C.
dalam upaya untuk memperlambat pemanasan minuman dingin, seseorang meletakkan kaleng dalam isolator karet silinder setebal 1 cm dengan ketebalan sempurna (k = 0,13 W / m · ° C). Sekarang berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk suhu rata-rata minuman naik menjadi 15 ° C? Anggap bagian atas kaleng tidak tercakup
17. 9 cm8 cmBBYang merupakan segitiga lancip adalah ....a idaniib. i dan incli dan iiid. ii dan iv4. Berdasarkan gambar disamping, panjang BC adalah17 cmDa 25 cmb. 20 cmC 15 cmd. 12 cmс5. Tangga yang panjangnya 26 m, ujung atasnya bersandar pada tembok sebuah gedungJika tinggi ujung tangga dari lantai 24 m, maka jarak ujung bawah tangga dari tembokadalah ...a 10 mb 14 mc. 18 md. 20 m6. Garis dari titik pusat ke lengkungan lingkaran disebutdiameterbjari-jaric. titik pusatd apotema7. Daerah yang diarsir pada gambar berikut adalaha Temberengb. JuringT** 12 (rarnar bisa =))Apotemad. Luas Ingkaran8 Keliling lingkaran yang berjari-jari 28 cm adalah ...a. 88 cm7 x 5 x 222 [rarna bisa :))b. 132 cmC 176 cmd 196 cmJika diameter suatu lingkaran 20 cm, maka luasnya adalah .... cm? (= 3,14)a. 31,4b. 62,8O. 314d. 62810. Pada gambar berikut, besar ZAOB=110°, maka besarLACB =...a 50°b. 55°C. 60°d. 65011. Berdasarkan gambar berikut, jika O adalah titik pusat lingkarandan besar ZPOS = 80°, panjang busur PS = 34 cm dan besar ZQOR = 120°, makapanjang busur QR adalah ... cm.a. 51b. 64c. 68d. 85adalah22 x 28 x 2= 1767АB12. Jika sudut keliling sebuah lingkaran adalah 30°, maka besarnya sudut pusat yang43Modul MAPEL MATEMATIKA MTS0/2021
18. Zaim has a piece of wire lenght 125π cm. The wire is cut to form 10 circles. The diameter of the circles differ from each other, in ascending order, by 2 cm. Calculate the diameter of the smallest circle.
3.5 cm
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Zaim's wire length = 125π
Divided into 10 circles with 2 cm differ.
Assume that the smallest one has x diameter. So, the largest one has x+18 diameter.
The diameter for each (in descending order) is x, x+2, x+4, x+6, x+8, x+10, x+12, x+14, x+16, x+18.
The sum of circumference of all circles must be equal to wire length.
Formula for each circle circumference is πd.
The sum of circumference = π * (sum of all diameters) = [tex]\pi(10x + 90)[/tex]
Wire length = 125π
[tex]\pi(10x + 90) = 125\pi \\10x + 90 = 125\\10x = 35\\x = 3.5[/tex]
With the smallest circle diameter equal to x, then the smallest circle has 3.5 cm diameter
19. The size of the coin is not big. The (5) ... is around 2,5 cm and the (6) ... is around 2 mm. Thefirst side of the coin shows the (7)... of Liberty's head facing left side. I recognize it as Libertybecause the image has a (8)... on the head with the word “Liberty" written on it. There are thirteen(9) ... spread around the head and number 1913 is written (10) ... the head. Short stripes are (11)around the edge. The second side show the letter "V" in the center of it surrounded by the imageof (12) .... The word "United States Of America” and “Cents" are printed around the image in thecenter.thicknessundertiaradiameterancientstarsgiftflowerspreciousengraveimagerare
(5) Diameter
(6) Thickness
(7) Image
(8) Tiara
(9) Stars
(10) Under
(11) Engrave
(12) Flowers
#Semoga membantu #MaafkaloSalah
20. Soal Gold foil (d = 19300 [kg/m^3] with an area of 14.5 [cm 2] has a mass of 1.93[mg] a) what is the volume of the 1.93 (mg) gold? b) determine the thickness of the gold foil expressed in angstroms if i Ao = 10 - 10 [m] c) the atomic diameter of gold is = 5 Ao, if the thickness of the paper is expressed in gold atoms, then how many 'atoms' is the paper thick? 1. An object of 8.0 [kg] is suspended from the end of a metal wire that is 75 [cm] long and 0.130 (cm) in diameter. Due to the load the wire extends by 0.035 [cm]. Determine the stress, strain and modulus of elasticity in the wire. 2. For laminar flow in problem number 4 with a pipe diameter of 25cm flow velocity is 3.84 x 10-4 m/s and dynamic viscosity 7.87 x 10) (-3) m's produces a pressure drop of 0.161 Pa. However, in the real world, the flow velocity is very small. If we assume the flow velocity in daily life is 1 m/s, then what is the pressure drop? 3.
I have been there before you go out with my favor sorry I didn't know what to do with me and I don't want to go meet you at home and get some rest and sleep tight
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