600 Soles A Dolares

600 Soles A Dolares

600 Soles A Dolares

What is 600 Soles A Dolares?

600 Soles A Dolares is the currency exchange rate between the Peruvian Sol (PEN) and the US Dollar (USD). This rate is set by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP), as a reference for all financial transactions between the two currencies. The rate is updated on a daily basis and is used as a reference for all currency conversion transactions.

Why is 600 Soles A Dolares Important?

The 600 Soles A Dolares rate is important for businesses and individuals who need to exchange one currency for another. By setting a fixed exchange rate, the BCRP helps to promote stability in the economy by eliminating the uncertainty of fluctuating exchange rates. This rate also helps to simplify transactions between the two currencies, making them easier and less costly.

How Does 600 Soles A Dolares Affect the Economy?

The 600 Soles A Dolares rate affects the economy in several ways. By setting a fixed exchange rate, the BCRP helps to create a stable economic environment. This helps to reduce the risk of currency fluctuations, which can have a negative impact on the economy. Additionally, the fixed exchange rate helps to promote trade between the two countries, as it simplifies the process of exchanging one currency for another.

What is the Impact of Changes in 600 Soles A Dolares?

Changes in the 600 Soles A Dolares rate can have a significant impact on the economy. If the rate increases, it can lead to higher prices for imported goods, as the cost of exchanging one currency for another becomes more expensive. On the other hand, a decrease in the rate can lead to lower prices for imported goods, as the cost of exchanging one currency for another becomes cheaper.

How is 600 Soles A Dolares Calculated?

The 600 Soles A Dolares rate is calculated by the BCRP on a daily basis. The rate is determined by comparing the prices of US Dollars to Peruvian Soles in the foreign exchange market. The rate is then adjusted based on the demand and supply of each currency.


The 600 Soles A Dolares rate is an important reference for all currency conversion transactions between the Peruvian Sol and the US Dollar. This rate helps to promote stability in the economy, by eliminating the uncertainty of fluctuating exchange rates. It also helps to simplify transactions between the two currencies, making them easier and less costly. Changes in the rate can have a significant impact on the economy, as it affects the cost of imported goods. Finally, the rate is calculated by comparing the prices of US Dollars to Peruvian Soles in the foreign exchange market.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. pak soles seorang pedagang sate ia mengeluarkan modal sebanyak rp. 500.000 dengan mendapatkan 600 tusuk sate ia menjual dengan harga 1000/tusuk sate. tentukan besar untung/rugi yang dialami pa soles

jualnya=600 tusuk × 1 rb=600 RB
jadi untung=jual-modal=600-500=100 RB jawaban nya

2. a. what do you think has happened to the soles on this pair of shoes ?b. what is it caused by ?

ini mapel bhs inggris
jawabannya: a. the soles on this pair of shoes is rusak must repairing.
maaf klo salah. ...itu rusak diganti bhs inggris

3. if your mass is 35 kg and the total area of the soles of your feet is 70 cm, what pressure would you exert on the ground

If it is asked in cm, then

First, convert kg to g

35 x 1,000 = 35,000 g

Then pressure per cm

35,000 / 70  = 500 g / cm


0,5 kg / cm

4. My favourite teacher My favourite teacher is my history teacher,and he is by far the best teacher that i have ever had.he has the ability to make a subject that many students find it incredibly boring come to life through his enthusiasm and passion for history,and his love of being a teacher.listening to his lessons is something we look forward to,not dread , like we do with most other lessons It's ever so funny to watch him get excited about something,which happens in every lesson.it's easy to know that he's getting excited because he begins bouncing up and down slightly in a way that no other sixty-something year old would ever managed without looking completely ridiculous.he has this dark (with more and more grey streaks these day), springy hair that lines the edge of his growing blad patch,and the hair bounces up and down with him like thousands of tiny little springs.then,he takes on his whole new persona , often going into role and becoming the character or figure he is talking about,doing the voices,the actions,and parading up and down the room gesticulating wildly,but all the while there's a gentle bounce,bounce,bounce,as though the springs are not just on his head but on the soles of his shoes too.. Kaka tolong terjemahin yah... Plisss bangetttt.. Aku ga tau artinya jadinya ga bisa jawab soalnya plisss besok di kumpulin ...


Guru favorit saya

Guru favorit saya adalah guru sejarah saya, dan sejauh ini dia adalah guru terbaik yang pernah saya miliki. Dia memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat mata pelajaran yang menurut banyak siswa membosankan untuk dihidupkan kembali melalui antusiasme dan hasratnya terhadap sejarah, dan suka menjadi seorang guru. Mendengarkan pelajarannya adalah sesuatu yang kita nantikan, bukan ketakutan, seperti yang kita lakukan pada kebanyakan pelajaran lainnya

Sangat lucu menontonnya bersemangat tentang sesuatu, yang terjadi dalam setiap pelajaran. Mudah untuk mengetahui bahwa dia semakin bersemangat karena dia mulai melonjak naik turun sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak ada anak berusia enam puluh tahun lainnya yang akan berhasil tanpa melihat benar-benar menggelikan. Dia memiliki rambut hitam (dengan semakin banyak garis-garis kelabu hari ini), rambut lebat yang melapisi tepi bidangnya yang sedang tumbuh, dan rambut itu memantul ke atas dan ke bawah bersamanya seperti ribuan mata air kecil. Lalu, dia mengambil pada persona barunya, sering pergi ke peran dan menjadi karakter atau tokoh yang dia bicarakan, melakukan suara, tindakan, dan mengarak ke atas dan ke bawah ruangan bergerak cepat, tetapi sementara itu ada bouncing lembut, bouncing, bouncing , seolah-olah mata air tidak hanya di kepalanya tetapi di sol sepatunya juga ..


sudah aku artiin yaa..

Guru favorit saya
Guru favorit saya adalah guru sejarah saya, dan sejauh ini dia adalah guru terbaik yang pernah saya miliki. Dia memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat mata pelajaran yang menurut banyak siswa membosankan untuk dihidupkan kembali melalui antusiasme dan hasratnya terhadap sejarah, dan suka menjadi seorang guru. Mendengarkan pelajarannya adalah sesuatu yang kita nantikan, bukan ketakutan, seperti yang kita lakukan pada kebanyakan pelajaran lainnya
Sangat lucu menontonnya bersemangat tentang sesuatu, yang terjadi dalam setiap pelajaran. Mudah untuk mengetahui bahwa dia semakin bersemangat karena dia mulai melonjak naik turun sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak ada anak berusia enam puluh tahun lainnya yang akan berhasil tanpa melihat benar-benar menggelikan. Dia memiliki rambut hitam (dengan semakin banyak garis-garis kelabu hari ini), rambut lebat yang melapisi tepi bidangnya yang sedang tumbuh, dan rambut itu memantul ke atas dan ke bawah bersamanya seperti ribuan mata air kecil. Lalu, dia mengambil pada persona barunya, sering pergi ke peran dan menjadi karakter atau tokoh yang dia bicarakan, melakukan suara, tindakan, dan mengarak ke atas dan ke bawah ruangan bergerak cepat, tetapi sementara itu ada bouncing lembut, bouncing, bouncing , seolah-olah mata air tidak hanya di kepalanya tetapi di sol sepatunya juga ..

5. Complete the sentences with she, he, it, her, him, they, or them. 1. I have a grammar book ………………… is black 2. Tom borrowed my books ………………….Returned ……………………….. Yesterday 3. Susan is wearing some new earrings ………………. Look good on …………………… 4. Table tennis (also called ping-pong) began in England in the late 1800s. Today ……………….. In international sport. My brother and I played ……………………… a lot when we were teenagers. I beat ……………….. Sometime, but …………………. Was a better player and usually won 5. Don't look directly at the sun. Don't look at ……………… directly even if you are wearing sunglasses. The intensity of its light can injure your eyes. 6. Do bees sleep at night? Or do…………………..Work in the hive all night long ? You never see ………… after dark. What do ……………….. After night falls ? 7. The apples were rotten so the children didn't eat ………………….. Even thought …………….. Were really hungry 8. The scent of perfume rises. According to one expert, you should put ……………….. On the soles of your feet.


1. it

2. he, it

3. its, her

6. Dialogue 2 Farah: Hi, Anto. Congratulations! Finally you can be the runner-up. Anto . Thanks. It was my first winning. I should practice hard for the next contest. Farah: That's right. I hope you can win the grand prize. By the way, I heard that you were injured. Anto That's true. I shouldn't have worn my old shoes. Their soles are slippery so I fell on the ground. Farah: You should buy new shoes Anto That's right. I should buy the best shoes for my next contest. Farah: Good luck for you then Anto Thanks By the way, it's Sunday, why don't you spend it with your family? Farah: Well, I should be shopping with my mother now, but she went shopping with her friends. Anto So, you are upset now Farah: Not really. By the way, I should call her to buy me some snacks Questions: 4. What happened to Anto? 5. What made Anto injured? 6. What obligation does Anto express?​


4. He was injured

5. He wore his old shoes and their soles are slippery so he fell on the ground

6. (belum tau ya maaf)


4. hurt

5. because I wear old shoes that are small

6. I shouldn't have worn my old shoes.


maaf kalo salah

7. tolong diartikan!!! a koala spends over 14 hours a day sleeping. its body are perfectly designed for its tree-dwelling life. koala's paws are specially adapted for gripping and climbing . rough pads on the Palms and soles help it to grip tree trunks and branches,and both front and hind paws have long Sharp claws. each paw has five digits. on the front paw,two digital are opposed to the other three,so they are both able to be moved in opposition to the other three,this allows koala to grip more securely

koala menghabiskan lebih dari 14 jam sehari tidur. tubuhnya sempurna dirancang untuk hidup tinggal di pohon tersebut. cakar koala ini secara khusus diadaptasi untuk mencengkeram dan mendaki.bantalan kasar di Palms dan telapak membantu untuk batang pohon pegangan dan cabang, dan keduanya depan dan belakangnya cakar memiliki cakar tajam panjang. masing-masing kaki memiliki lima digit. di kaki depan, dua digital yang bertentangan dengan tiga lainnya, sehingga mereka berdua bisa dipindahkan bertentangan dengan tiga lainnya, ini memungkinkan koala untuk pegangan yang lebih aman.

8. Write a reply letter to the following letter of complaint. Jalan Proklamasi Blok J No.9 Palembang 301237 2 May 2007 The Manager Achilles Footwear Jalan Cemara No.39 Palembang 30245 Dear Sir/Madam, Defective Shoes I am writing to complain about a pair of shoes which I purchased last week from your shop. Your sales assistant recommended these shoes for walking. Although she said they had non-slip soles and were fully waterproof, my feet were soaked when I wore them in the rain yesterday. I enclose the receipt for Rp 185,000 and would appreciate a refund or a pair of genuine waterproof walking shoes as replacement. Yours faithfully, Pandu Kurniawan

Tuliskan surat balasan ke surat keluhan berikut.

Jalan Proklamasi Blok J No.9
Palembang 301237

2 Mei 2007
Alas Kaki Achilles
Jalan Cemara No.39
Palembang 30245

Dear Sir / Madam,
Sepatu yang rusak

Saya menulis untuk mengeluh tentang sepasang sepatu yang saya beli minggu lalu dari toko Anda.

Asisten penjualan Anda merekomendasikan sepatu ini untuk berjalan kaki. Meskipun dia mengatakan bahwa mereka memiliki sol tanpa slip dan benar-benar tahan air, kakiku basah kuyup saat aku memakainya dalam hujan kemarin.

Saya melampirkan tanda terima sebesar Rp 185.000 dan akan menghargai pengembalian uang atau sepasang sepatu berjalan tahan air asli sebagai pengganti.

Salam sejahtera,

Pandu Kurniawan

9. HOW TO DRY YOUR WET SHOESUsing old newspaper is the gentlest method to dry wet shoes.Figure out if your shoes are delicate.Find old or unused newspapers. Discard any pages with dark ink orpictures. The ink can sometimes bleed onto the shoes.Rinse your shoes if they are caked with dirt. You can also remove dirtwith a damp dishcloth.Ball up newspaper and stuff it in the toes of the shoes. Continue witheach shoe until the entire insole is filled with balls of newspaper.Wrap the exterior of the shoes on flat pieces of newspaper.Set the shoes, soles down, in a well-ventilated area of the house.Throw away the newspaper and repeat the process with dry balls ofpaper in one hour. If your shoes were soaked, the newspaper willneed to be changed several times.The text is written ...A.to give instruction on repairing shoesB.to describe the process of cleaning dirt on shoesC.to show the process of sorting good newspaperD.to help readers drying their wet shoes​



Karena judulnya adalah cara mengeringkan sepatu

10. Make Your Old Shoes Sparkle Again What you need: • Old shoes (preferably sneakers). • Plastic lid. • Sticky tape. • Glue. • Ribbon. • Sponge brush. • Scissors. • Glitter. Instructions: 1. Take the shoelaces off of your shoes. Then, use sticky tape to cover the soles of shoes. 2. On a plastic lid, make glitter mixture by mixing together 2 parts glue and 1 part glitter. 3. Using a sponge brush, apply the mixture onto the shoes. Once it’s done, leave the shoes to dry for approximately 2 hours. 4. When the shoes have dried, remove the sticky tape from the soles. 5. Make ribbon shoelaces by measuring the length of ribbon using the shoe’s old laces. Cut with scissors. 6. Put the ribbon shoelaces into the holes and show off your sparkly shoes! What is the sticky tape for? a.For sticking the glitter. b.For sparkling the shoes. c. For covering the soles of shoes. d. For tying the shoelaces together


C. for covering the soles of thw shoes

semoga membantu:)

11. I have favorite items from my favorite female volleyball player Cassanova. I received them after she and hear team beat their opponent. I approached her and asked for her photograph. I showed her my collections about her and she was very happy. Unexpectedly, she gave me a present, a pair of shoes. She put off her shoes and gave them to me. She then added her autograph on the shoes. I was so excited.The shoes have soft soles, comfortable fabrics and strong cords. There are light green strip on the left and ride sides which make the shoes look elegant. I never wear them. I keep them in my room and clean them regularly. Which conclusion is suitable for the text ?


there are light green strip

12. Exercise 22. Personal pronouns: Directions : Complete the sentence with she, he, it, her, him, they, or them 1. I have a grammar book it is black (it)2. Tom borrowed my books. he returned them yesterday (he, them) 3. Susan is wearing some new earings. ____ look good on ____ 4. table tenis (also called pingpong) began in England in the late 1800s. today _____ is an international sport. my brother and I played _____ a lot when we were teenagers. i beat _____ sometimes, but ____ was a better player and usually won. 5. don't look directly at the sun. don't look at _____ directly even if you are wearing sunglasses. the intensity of its light can injure your eyes 6. do bees sleep at night? or do ____ work in the hive all night long? you never see _____ after dark. what do ____ do after night falls? 7. the apples were rotten, so the children didn't eat ____ even though ____ will really hungry 8. the scent of pafume rises. according to one expert, you should put ____ on the Soles of your feet 9. even though clean, safe water is fundamental to human health, an estimated 800 million people in the world are still without ____. Unsafe water causes illness. _____ contributes to hight numbers of death in children under five years of age 10. magazines are popular. I enjoy reading _____. _______have news about recent Evenr and discoveries. recently, I read about “micromachines.” _______ are human-made machines that are smaller than a grain of sand. One scientist called ______ “the greatest scientific invention of our time.”​

1. I have a grammar book it is black. (it)

2. Tom borrowed my books. He returned them yesterday. (he, them)

3. Susan is wearing some new earrings. It looks good on her.

4. Table tennis (also called ping-pong) began in England in the late 1800s. Today it is an international sport. My brother and I played them a lot when we were teenagers. I beat him sometimes, but he was a better player and usually won.

5. Don't look directly at the sun. Don't look at it directly even if you are wearing sunglasses. The intensity of its light can injure your eyes.

6. Do bees sleep at night? Or do they work in the hive all night long? You never see them after dark. What do they do after night falls?

7. The apples were rotten, so the children didn't eat them even though they will really hungry.

8. The scent of perfume rises. According to one expert, you should put them on the Soles of your feet.

9. Even though clean, safe water is fundamental to human health, an estimated 800 million people in the world are still without it. Unsafe water causes illness. It contributes to high numbers of death in children under five years of age.

10. Magazines are popular. I enjoy reading them. They have news about recent events and discoveries. Recently, I read about “micromachines.” They are human-made machines that are smaller than a grain of sand. One scientist called it “the greatest scientific invention of our time.”​

13. Dialogue 2 Farah: Hi, Anto. Congratulations! Finally you can be the runner-up. Anto : Thanks. It was my first winning. I should practice hard for the next contest. Farah: That's right. I hope you can win the grand prize. By the way, I heard that you were injured Anto : That's true. I shouldn't have wom my old shoes. Their soles are slippery so I fell on the ground. Farah: You should buy new shoes. Anto : That's right. I should buy the best shoes for my next contest. Farah: Good luck for you then. Anto : Thanks. By the way, it's Sunday, why don't you spend it with your family? Farah: Well, I should be shopping with my mother now, but she went shopping with her friends. Anto : So, you are upset now. Farah: Not really. By the way, I should call her to buy me some snacks. Questions: 4. What happened to Anto? 5. What made Anto injured? 6. What obligation does Anto express?​


Dialog 2 Farah: Hai, Anto. Selamat! Akhirnya Anda bisa menjadi runner-up Anto: Terima kasih. Ini adalah kemenangan pertama saya. Saya harus berlatih keras untuk kontes berikutnya. Farah: Itu benar. Saya harap Anda bisa memenangkan hadiah utama. Ngoto-ngoto, saya mendengar bahwa/itu Anda terluka Anto: Itu benar. Aku seharusnya tidak memiliki wom sepatu lama saya. Sol mereka licin jadi aku jatuh di tanah. Farah: Anda harus membeli yang barusepatu. Anto: Itu benar. Saya harus membeli sepatu terbaik untuk kontes saya berikutnya. Farah: Semoga sukses untukmu saat itu. Anto: Terima kasih. Ngobong-ngobong, ini hari Minggu, mengapa Anda tidak menghabiskannya bersama keluarga Anda? Nah, saya harus berbelanja dengan ibu saya sekarang, tapi dia pergi berbelanja dengan teman-temannya. Anto: Jadi, Anda marah sekarang. Farah: Tidak juga. Ngonong-ngo ngo by the way, aku harus memanggilnya untuk membelikanku beberapa makanan ringan. Pertanyaan:4. Apa yang terjadi dengan Anto? 5. Apa yang membuat Anto terluka? 6. Kewajiban apa yang diungkapkan Anto?


4. yanto won the runner-up race for the first time

( yanto memenangkan lomba runner- yang. pertama kalinya)

5.because The soles of the shoes are slippery(karena sol sepatunya licin)

6. (maaf nomer 6 saya tidak tahu maksudnya karna di dalam teks tidak ada yang menyebutkan obligation(kewajiban))

kalo kamu tahu komentari saya nanti saya ubah ke bahasa inggris

14. Cari Action verb pada cerita dibawah ini ! The Tree Kangaroo : The Native Animals of Australia . Tree kangaroo is mammal that belongs to the kangaroo family.There are 14 species of tree kangaroos that can be found in Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.Tree kangaroos inhabits lowland rainforests and cloud forest onthe altitude of 11.000 feet.Tree kangaroo looks like a blend of kangaroo and lemur.It has short, muscular forelimbs and wide feet equipped with rubbery soles and large, curved claws.its tail is long and narrow.Tree kangaroo has reddish brown coat withlight-colored bands on the back.It has pale-colored belly, whitish-yellow face and reddish ears and feet.Tree kangaroo can reach 37 to 70 inches in length and 15 to 22 pounds of weight.Males are slightly larger than females.Tree kangaroo spends its life on the trees (arboreal animal).It moves in the treetops with ease thanks to long tail which provides balance.Tree kangaroo is agile and flexible on the trees, but slow and clumsy on the solid ground (it slowly jumps with erect tail).Tree kangaroo can leap distance of 30 feet between the trees and safely land on the solid ground from a height of 60 feet.Tree kangaroo is diurnal animal (active during the day).Diet of tree kangaroo is based onleaves, flowers, shoots, bark, eggs and small brids

action verb adalah kata kerja aktif.
berikut yang ada dalam teks :
found, has, looks, moves, spends, leap

15. ng text andMy Favourite TeacherPicture: TeacherMy favorite teacher is Mr. Anthony, my history teacher, and heis by far the best teacher that I have ever had. He has the ability tomake a subject that many students find incredibly boring come tolife through his enthusiasm and passion for history, and his love ofbeing a teacher. Going to his lessons is something we look forwardto, not dread, like we do with most other lessons.It's ever so funny to watch him get excited about something,which happens in every lesson. It's easy to know that he's gettingexcited because he begins bouncing up and down slightly in a waythat no other sixty-something year old would ever managed withoutlooking completely ridiculous. He has this dark (with more and more grey streaks these days), springyhair that lines the edge of his growing bald patch, and the hair bounces up and down with him likethousands of tiny little springs. Then, he takes on his whole new persona, often going into role andbecoming the character or figure he is talking about,doing the voices, the actions, and parading upand down the room gesticulating wildly, but all the while there's a gentle 'bounce, bounce, bounce,as though the springs are not just on his head but on the soles of his shoes too.A teacher that doesn't take himself too seriously always will be a big hit with teenagers, althoughhe's not afraid to impose his authority if he has to. I've only ever heard him properly shout once(although thankfully it wasn't me), but it isn't an experience that I would like to repeat. When he lostit, the room suddenly became more silent than I'd ever known it to be before. We all sat slightlyparalyzed, not even anting to breathe too loudly, because hearing such a jovial and jolly little manlose his temper was a huge shock. It certainly had the right kind of impact though, because he'snever needed to shout since.It is actually this teacher that I have to thank for my love of history. In his lessons, history doesnot mean copying out of textbooks and writing pages and pages of notes. History is alive; historyis something tangible, that you can see, hear and feel, and we can live it through dressing up andacting out scenes or taking trips to important places of historical interest. Although he's getting on inyears and may not be teaching for much longer, he will have an important place in history for manyof his students, because there has never been a teacher who could bring a subject to life in quitethe same way he does.​


1. Mr. Anthony.

2. Mr. Anthony is a teacher.

3. He teaches history.

4. Because he can make a subject that many students find incredibly boring comes to life through his enthusiasm & passion for history. Students also find it funny when he's excited because when Mr. Anthony's excited, he begins bouncing up and down slightly in a way that no other sixty-something years old would ever managed to do without looking completely ridiculous.

5. He's sixty-something years old.


Maaf kalau ada yang salah yaa

16. In an Islamic country, sitting in a way that shows the soles of your feet is insulting. Writing a person's name in red ink in Korea is bad luck. Also in Korea, it is rude to place anything, even papers, on the desk of an executive you are visiting ... In the United States and other countries, a circle formed by the thumb and forefinger signals approval, but in certain Latin and Arab countries, this is an impolite gesture. 8. There are TWO words that are close in meaning to the word rude. Circle them.​





Kedua kata itu dekat maknanya dengan rude (kasar, tidak sopan)

insulting (menghina) => ada di kalimat pertama

impolite (tidak sopan) => ada di kalimat terakhir sebelum soal

Semoga bermanfaat

17. CATCH UP kelas 11 (82)Listen to a poem. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the following poem1. a. A little one b. A little baby c. A little tooth d. A little way e. A small tooth2. a. Thomas Lux b. Thomas Thompson c. Thompson Lux d. Tina Lux e. Thomas Edison 3. ''A set of lines in a poem, set apart from other sets of lines by space.'' The sentence best describes.... a. a stanza b. a rhyme c. a poem d. a poet e. a poetry element 4. what is 'a style' in poetry? a. fashion in clothing b. the way the poem is written c. a way of doing something d. the type of something we would do e. the flow off words within each meter and stanza The poem below is for questions 5-7.________by belleThanks for being there for me, through good times and bad times. I will be on your side even if the world ends. when the world is going,i will be here,now and until the end.Your my very best friend.The one that I look up to.The one that I run to, when I have a problem.The one that I talk to.Your the one best friend that was always there for me. I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.5. The best title for the poem above is... a. My best mother b. my best sister c. you are the one d. the one best friende. the only one6. The proverb related to the poem above is... a. A friend is everything b. A friend in need is a friend indeed c. what a friend need, is what i need d. my friend is the best I've ever had e. my mother is the best friend7. the one that I look up to. the one that I run to, when I have a problem. the one that I talk to.The figurative language that can be found in the poem above is... a. simile b. stanza c. alliteration d. metaphor e. hyperbole The following poem is questions 8 and 9MORNING SONGby Sylvia plathlove set you going like a fat gold watch. the midwife slapped your foot soles, and your bald crytook its place among the elementsour voices echo, magnifying your arrival.new statue.in a drafty museum, your nakednessshadows our safety. we stand round blankly as walls i'm no more your motherthan the cloud that distills a mirror ro reflect its own sloweffacement at the wind's handall night your moth-breathflickers among the flat pink roses. I wake to listen :A far sea moves in my earone cry, and i stumble from bed, cow-heavy and floral in my Victorian nightgownyour mouth opens clean as a cat's. The widow squarewhitens and swallows its dull stars. And now your try your handful of notes;the clear vowels rise like balloons8. How many stanzas can be found in the poem above? a. four b. five c. six d. seven e. eight9. in the first line 'Love set you going like a fat gold watch' The figurative language used by the writer is... a. simile b. metaphor c. assonance d. hyperbole e. onomatopoeia10. the end rhyme is best shown in.... a. just close your eyes;the scars will be there in the morning light, but at the moment you have to face the pain of tonight b. i often contemplate whether i should cease to exist, whether it is better to die or just slit my wrists, I'm dead in this world and fell alone. c. enlightenment may seem a bad, or poor goal in life,but ask yourself: what else is there to look for? before condemning me.i find life a new experience from moment to moment d. as he walked down winding lengths of road,passing through gray conceited strings of abstinence, he stroked long, blond waves of hair, e. the death bells toll! does the propaganda still take a poll? the frost serenades every uncovered flesh, so cold, cold indeed.the ravens and the crows foretells a bad omen, our foes are near.Tolong bantu jawab dong kak, secepatnya yaa​


1 b 2 c 3 d 4b 5c 6e 7b 8e 9d 10 c

semoga bantu ya

18. A 43-year-old African American male is admitted with sickle cell anemia. The nurse plans to assess circulation in the lower extremities every two hours. Which of the following outcome criteria would the nurse use? A. Body temperature of 99°F or less B. Toes moved in active range of motion C. Sensation reported when soles of feet are touched D. Capillary refill of < 3 seconds​

Jawaban:kemungkinan besar sih yang:A.Body temperature of 99°F or less

Penjelasan:Semoga dapat membantu:)

19. My Favourite TeacherMy favorite teacher is my history teacher and he isens my history teacher, and he is by far the best teacher that I have ever had.He has the ability to make a subject that many students find it incredibly boring come to life throughhis enthusiasm and passion for history, and his love of being a teacher. Listening to his lessons iscomething we look forward to, not dread, like we do with most other lessons.It's ever so funny to watch him get excited about something, which happens in every lesson. Itseasy to know that he's getting excited because he begins bouncing up and down slightly in a waythat no other sixty-something year old would ever managed without looking completely ridiculous. Hehas this dark (with more and more grey streaks these days), springy hair that lines the edge of hisgrowing bald patch, and the hair bounces up and down with him like thousands of tiny little springs.Then, he takes on his whole new persona, often going into role and becoming the character or figurehe is talking about, doing the voices, the actions, and parading up and down the room gesticulatingwildly, but all the while there's a gentle 'bounce, bounce, bounce', as though the springs are not juston his head but on the soles of his shoes too.A teacher that doesn't take himself too seriously always will be a big hit with teenagers, althoughhe's not afraid to impose his authority if he has to. I've only ever heard him properly shout once (althoughthankfully it wasn't for me), but it isn't an experience that I would like to repeat. When he lost it, theroom suddenly became more silent than I'd ever known before. We all sat slightly paralyzed, not evenanting to breathe too loudly, because hearing such a jovial and jolly little man losing his temper wasa huge shock. It certainly had the right kind of impact though, because he'd never needed to shoutsince.It is actually this teacher that I have to thank for my love of history. In his lessons, history doesnot mean copying out of textbooks and writing pages and pages of notes. History is alive; history issomething tangible, that you can see, hear and feel, and we can live it through dressing up and actingout scenes or taking trips to important places of historical interest. Although he's getting on in yearsand may not be teaching for much longer, he will have an important place in history for many of hisstudents, because there has never been a teacher being able to bring a subject to life in quite thesame way he does.Cari lah simple present tense? ​

Simple present tense:

1. My favorite teacher is my history teacher and he is

ens my history teacher, and he is by far the best teacher that I have ever had.

2. He has the ability to make a subject that many students find it incredibly boring come to life through

his enthusiasm and passion for history, and his love of being a teacher.

3. It's ever so funny to watch him get excited about something, which happens in every lesson.

4. Its easy to know that he's getting excited because he begins bouncing up and down slightly in a way

that no other sixty-something year old would ever managed without looking completely ridiculous.

5. He has this dark (with more and more grey streaks these days), springy hair that lines the edge of his

growing bald patch, and the hair bounces up and down with him like thousands of tiny little springs.

6. A teacher that doesn't take himself too seriously always will be a big hit with teenagers, although

he's not afraid to impose his authority if he has to.

7. It is actually this teacher that I have to thank for my love of history. In his lessons, history does

not mean copying out of textbooks and writing pages and pages of notes.

8. History is alive; history is

something tangible, that you can see, hear and feel, and we can live it through dressing up and acting

out scenes or taking trips to important places of historical interest.

keknya itu aja, smoga membantu^^


Guru Favorit Saya Guru favorit saya adalah guru sejarah saya dan dia jadi guru sejarah saya, dan sejauh ini dia adalah guru terbaik yang pernah saya miliki. Dia memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat subjek yang menurut banyak siswa sangat membosankan antusiasmenya dan hasratnya terhadap sejarah, dan cintanya menjadi seorang guru. Mendengarkan pelajarannya adalah comething kita berharap, tidak takut, seperti yang kita lakukan dengan sebagian besar pelajaran lainnya. Sangat lucu melihat dia bersemangat tentang sesuatu, yang terjadi dalam setiap pelajaran. Nya mudah untuk mengetahui bahwa dia mulai bersemangat karena dia mulai sedikit naik-turun dengan cara tertentu bahwa tidak ada anak berusia enam puluh tahun lainnya yang akan berhasil tanpa terlihat benar-benar konyol. Dia memiliki ini gelap (dengan lebih banyak garis-garis abu-abu hari ini), rambut kenyal yang melapisi ujung rambutnya tumbuh botak, dan rambut memantul naik turun seperti ribuan mata air kecil. Kemudian, ia mengambil kepribadian barunya, sering pergi ke peran dan menjadi karakter atau tokoh dia berbicara tentang, melakukan suara-suara, tindakan, dan berparade naik-turun ruangan menggerakkan tangan liar, tetapi sementara itu ada 'bouncing, bouncing, bouncing' lembut, seolah-olah mata air tidak hanya di kepalanya tetapi di sol sepatu juga. Seorang guru yang tidak menganggap dirinya terlalu serius selalu akan menjadi hit besar dengan remaja dia tidak takut untuk memaksakan otoritasnya jika dia harus. Saya hanya pernah mendengarnya berteriak dengan benar sekali (walaupun untungnya itu bukan untuk saya), tapi itu bukan pengalaman yang ingin saya ulangi. Ketika dia kehilangan itu, itu ruangan tiba-tiba menjadi lebih sunyi dari yang pernah saya kenal sebelumnya. Kami semua duduk agak lumpuh, bahkan tidak anting untuk bernapas terlalu keras, karena mendengar pria yang periang dan periang kehilangan emosinya kejutan besar. Itu tentu saja memiliki dampak yang tepat, karena dia tidak pernah perlu berteriak sejak. Sebenarnya guru ini yang harus saya ucapkan terima kasih atas kecintaan saya pada sejarah. Dalam pelajarannya, sejarah melakukannya bukan berarti menyalin dari buku teks dan menulis halaman dan halaman catatan. Sejarah hidup; sejarah adalah sesuatu yang nyata, yang bisa Anda lihat, dengar dan rasakan, dan kita bisa menjalaninya dengan berdandan dan berakting adegan keluar atau melakukan perjalanan ke tempat-tempat penting yang menarik sejarah. Meski sudah bertahun-tahun dan mungkin tidak mengajar lebih lama, dia akan memiliki tempat penting dalam sejarah bagi banyak orang siswa, karena tidak pernah ada guru yang dapat membawa subjek untuk hidup di cukup cara yang sama dia lakukan. Cari lah present present tense?


20. translate ke bahasa Indonesia.I am writing to you in respons to your advertisemert for aloco' branch Manager, which appeared in the garder pos onSunday, March, as you can see from my murosed resumeMy experience and qualifications match this positions requirementsmy current position, managing the local branch of a nationalShe relatief has provided the opportunity to work underO tome high presure, toom environment, where it is essentialto be able Obaire to work closely with my colleagues in order tomoos soles dadines in Oddition to my responsibilities as manoperI also, developed fime management tools for staff usingAcees and excel from Microsoft's apice suite​


Saya menulis kepada Anda sebagai tanggapan atas iklan Anda untuk a

loco 'Branch Manager, yang muncul di pos garder di

Minggu, Maret, seperti yang bisa Anda lihat dari resume saya yang muram

Pengalaman dan kualifikasi saya sesuai dengan persyaratan posisi ini

posisi saya saat ini, mengelola cabang lokal nasional

Dia relatief telah memberikan kesempatan untuk bekerja di bawah

O tome tekanan tinggi, untuk lingkungan, di mana itu penting

agar Obaire dapat bekerja sama dengan kolega saya

moos soles dadines di Oddition dengan tanggung jawab saya sebagai manoper

Saya juga, mengembangkan alat manajemen waktu untuk digunakan staf

Menguasai dan unggul dari suite apice Microsoft

이것이 학습에 대한 그의 열정에 도움이되기를 바랍니다:)

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