An Oral Evacuation System Should Be Flushed

An Oral Evacuation System Should Be Flushed

An Oral Evacuation System Should Be Flushed is a topic which focuses on the importance of regularly flushing oral evacuation systems in dental practices. This is important to prevent any blockages or build up of materials in the system, which can cause a range of issues such as reduced suction, clogging, and the release of aerosols. **Why is flushing an oral evacuation system important?** Flushing an oral evacuation system is important because it helps to prevent blockages and build up of materials, which can lead to a range of issues such as reduced suction, clogging, and the release of aerosols. Regular flushing ensures that the evacuation system is functioning correctly and that any potential issues are avoided.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 1.What kind of area makes poeple do emergency evacuation? 2.Why does government suggest that evacuation is the solution of natural disaster? 3.Why do many people refuse to be evacuation? 4.What should poeple do if they decide to stay rather than to evacuate?


1. War, Volcano Eruption, Virus outbreak, and so on

2. Because evacuation is the easiest way for the government to clear the masses of people in one particular area. For example, when volcano erupts, people need to be educated to leave the impacted area as soon as possible to avoid the potential fatalities

3. Because they maybe feel that they can handle it themselves, or another common reason is that, they shouldn't leave their only houses so that the thieves can't stole their belongings

4. Lock the door. Always keep alarming and watching at TV on the latest news. And remember to stockpiles many foods and drinks beforehand


2. pengumuman yang disampaikan secara oral, penyampaianya dapat melalui pesawat telepon atau pengeras suara (sound system) adalah

Pengumuman yang disampaikan secara oral disebut pengumuman lisan

3. how often should we check our oral health for the least?

terjemahaan : seberapa sering kita harus memeriksa kesehatan mulut kita untuk sedikit?

we should check our oral health six month once

terjemahan= kita harus memeriksa kesehatan mulut kita 6 bulan sekali

4. bahasa indonesia for whom is the evacuation necessary​


Untuk Mereka, Evakuasi itu diperlukan


Maaf kalo salah

5. tuliskan be berapa penyakit pada system reproductive manusia​


Endometriosis. Penyakit ini terjadi ketika ada jaringan yang tumbuh di dinding uterus. ...

Endometriosis. Penyakit ini terjadi ketika ada jaringan yang tumbuh di dinding uterus. ...Kanker serviks. ...

Endometriosis. Penyakit ini terjadi ketika ada jaringan yang tumbuh di dinding uterus. ...Kanker serviks. ...PCOS. ...

Endometriosis. Penyakit ini terjadi ketika ada jaringan yang tumbuh di dinding uterus. ...Kanker serviks. ...PCOS. ...4. Fibroid rahim. ...

Endometriosis. Penyakit ini terjadi ketika ada jaringan yang tumbuh di dinding uterus. ...Kanker serviks. ...PCOS. ...4. Fibroid rahim. ...Gonorrhea & Chlamydia. ...

Endometriosis. Penyakit ini terjadi ketika ada jaringan yang tumbuh di dinding uterus. ...Kanker serviks. ...PCOS. ...4. Fibroid rahim. ...Gonorrhea & Chlamydia. ...6. HIV/AIDS. ...

Endometriosis. Penyakit ini terjadi ketika ada jaringan yang tumbuh di dinding uterus. ...Kanker serviks. ...PCOS. ...4. Fibroid rahim. ...Gonorrhea & Chlamydia. ...6. HIV/AIDS. ...Disfungsi seksual.



1. Klamidia

2. Gonore

3. Trikomoniasis

4. Herpes genital

5. Human papillomavirus (HPV)

6. Hepatitis

7. HIV



6. oral tradition merupakan​

Tradisi lisan, budaya lisan dan adat lisan adalah pesan atau kesaksian yang disampaikan secara turun-temurun dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya

7. 1.Individual study is better than group study. 2.Laptop should be allowed in classsroom. 3.The school doesn't need rank system.​


Agree or Disagree:

1.Individual study is better than group study.

I agree! Group study only leads to playing games together in most cases.

2.Laptop should be allowed in classroom.

I agree! Laptops take students' attention away from the lessons in the classroom at school.

3.The school doesn't need rank system.​

I disagree! School needs it! In reality, everything is judged, scored and ranked because life is not only about choices, but also competitions.


Jawabam dicetak tebal sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Agree & Disagree (persetujuan dan ketidak setujuan) terhadap suatu pokok pembahasan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Persetujuan & ketidak setujuan:

1. Belajar individu lebih baik daripada belajar kelompok.

Aku setuju! Belajar kelompok hanya mengarah pada bermain game bersama dalam banyak kasus.

2.Laptop harus diperbolehkan di dalam kelas.

Aku setuju! Laptop mengalihkan perhatian siswa dari pelajaran di kelas di sekolah.

3. Sekolah tidak membutuhkan sistem peringkat.​

Aku tidak setuju! Sekolah membutuhkannya! Pada kenyataannya, semuanya dihakimi, dinilai, dan diberi peringkat karena hidup bukan hanya tentang pilihan, tetapi juga kompetisi.

Semoga membantu ya.

8. 5 soal dan jawaban dari text we should change the payment system yaitu



5 soal dan jawaban dari text “We Should Change The Payment System” yaitu


1.    Pertanyaan: Why do most people use debit cards instead of cash to make payment?

Jawaban: Because they think it is more effective, efficient, easier, and simpler.


2.    Pertanyaan: Why do debit cards safer than money?

Jawaban: Debit cards are safer because if you bring a debit card and it is stolen or lost, you can just phone the bank which issues the card to block it. This will make it


3.    Pertanyaan: What are disadvantage of using debuit cards?

Jawaban: You can not use it for transactions at traditional market, and you have to purchase at minimum amount to be able to use it.


4.    Pertanyaan: Why are debit cars so practical?

Jawaban: You don’t need to count how much you should pay, and you don’t have to worry about counting the banknote for both the payment and the change


5.    Pertanyaan: Why do people think that credit cards are not fully effective as a means of payment?

Jawaban: Because we have to should trace the incoming and ongoing money in our accoun, to control our habit of buying first, paying later habit


Kelas: XI

Mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading

Kata kunci: Text “We Should Change The Payment System”  

9. what does an oral presentation mean

The oral presentation means delivering an address to a public audience. It also refers to public speaking and/or speech-making.It is a brief discussion of a defined topic delivered to a public audience in order to impart knowledge or to stimulate discussion. The skill in oral presentation is equally as important as effective writing.Almost every oral presentation contains an introduction, main body and conclusion like a short paper. Though it is a formal speech in nature or vocal performance to an audience, it may occasionally requireadequate planning and thorough preparation in using one's voice, body language and visual aids such as slideshows to present and illustrate the points more effectively and to achieve the desired results.Oral presentation itu presentasi lisan

10. apakah perbedaan antara oral history dan oral tradition?

Oral history merupakan remembered history sedangkan oral tradition mrupkn how to records historycal memory from the frist hand. Atau oral tradition adl salah satu jenis warisan masyarakat yg d lakukan secara lisan. Sdangkan orl tradition adl

Oral history adlh remembered history (John D. Ledge intelectual and nationalisme in Indonesia)

oral tradisional/ tradisi lisan merpkan slh stu jnis warisan kebudayaan masyarakat setempat yg proses pewarisannya dilkkan secara lisan.

11. arrange the respiratory system into the correct process!!!Nasal cavity - trachea - lungs - bronchi - oral cavity​


Orar cavity - Nasal cavity - bronchi - trache - lungs


Maaf kalau salah

semoga terbantu

12. Tolong buatkan teks debat dalam bahasa inggris dengan tema "Plastic Water Bottle Should Be Banned" Dengan Statement Pro : Public water system is safer and more economical

You must know the name of a plastic bottle.
plastic bottles are familiar to us, right? plastic bottles can make it easier for us to buy water to drink or other liquids but it is very dangerous if the amount of plastic waste continues to increase even lautpun will turn into a sea of plastic bottles.
so that we do not make a bad impact by using plastic bottles we have to use the plastic bottle back or can also be called recycling we can make handicrafts from plastic bottles like toys, flower pots, pencil case, and others.
So use the plastic bottle as best as you can.

13. Where they are in use, they should be accepted as a useful part of the transportation system rather than as a nuisance or a barrier to transport system........ even in high-income. Which Whose WhereWhen That​


Which even in high-income.

14. Please spell the word below: Evacuation Disaster Rehabilitation



15. Apa yang di maksud dengan oral?

ialah hisapan kemaluan pasangan semasa melakukan hubungan seks

maaf klo slhOral adalah segala sesuatu yg berhubungan dengan mulut.

16. We should take enough vitamin ...... shore our immune system​


I will answer your question


Kita harus mengonsumsi cukup vitamin...menopang sistem kekebalan kita


Kita harus mengkonsumsi vitamin yang cukup..mendukung sistem kekebalan kita

I don't know because it can mean differen't things

and this is meant for our day-to-day self

thats means we interpet it ourselves


May be useful

17. Salah satu langkah menulis pidato adalah latihan oral. Oral artinya .... *​


Oral adalah komunikasi yang dilakukan antara dua orang atau lebih secara lisan/verbal antara sumber pesan/informasi kepada penerima pesan/informasi.


#Maaf Kalau Salah

18. Are there some evacuation teams from the goverment?

apa ada beberapa tim evakuasi dari pihak pemerintah?

19. tolong bantuannya kak apa itu as-is system dan to-be system ​

Proses bisnis adalah sekumpulan task yang saling berhubungan yang menghasilkan produk maupun jasa untuk klien. Sebuah proses bisnis juga didefinisikan sebagai sekumpulan aktivitas yang jika diselesaikan akan mencapai tujuan dari organisasi. pada tugas 5 ini, kami memetakan proses bisnis dari distribusi surat di sebuah Fakultas dan hubungannya dengan Universitas dan masing-masing departemen di Fakultas tersebut. Proses bisnis yang terlebih dulu kami petakan adalah as-is atau proses bisnis sebagaimana adanya (current business process). Dari proses as-is, kami mencari proses apa yang belum optimal dan kami mencari sumber masalahnya. Setelah itu, kami melakukan improvement untuk beberapa proses berupa penerapan sistem informasi dan memetakannya sebagai proses to-be dan ternyata hasil improvement kami dapat memperpendek waktu proses yang ada.


jadikan jawaban tercerdas yaaaaa

20. Oral report adalah?​


adalah komunikasi yang dilakukan antara dua orang atau lebih secara lisan/verbal antara sumber pesan/informasi kepada penerima pesan/informasi.


maaf kalo salah

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