Complete This Table For H2o

Complete This Table For H2o

H2O H2: H2O is the chemical formula for water, and it stands for two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. H3: Water is an essential compound for all life on Earth. It is a major component of the human body, and it is necessary for the survival of plants and animals. H4: Water is a polar molecule, meaning that it has a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other end. This polarity is what allows it to form strong bonds with other molecules, which is why it is so essential for life. H5: Water is a liquid at room temperature, but it can exist in three forms: solid (ice), liquid, and gas (water vapor). The solid form is denser than the liquid form, and the gas form is less dense than both.

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Questions and Answers:

1. complete this following table​


Maaf, gk bisa bantu. Tabelnya mana?


where is the table? please sub a table

2. complete this table below correctly​


2.bis a is myi





3. Complete This Table(Topic : Percentage) ​


cara dan jawabannya seperti di foto ya

semangat belajar

4. complete this table using the suitable ekspriase

Yang pergi
Got to go byee
I need go to my home see you later

5. Complete The Table!!!!!​







moped / moping /

studied / studying/belajar

fryed/frying / Menggoren

carried / carrying /


maaf kalau salah

6. identify the expression of asking and giving opinions. complete this table!

Asking opinion
1. what do you think of...?
2. which do you like more, ... or ...?
3. Don't you think that... is/are...?

Giving opinion
1. I think that....
2. In my opinion...
3. to me that is...

1. i agree
2. i think so too
3. that's definetly right

1. i don't think so
2. i don't know about that, i think that..
3. Maybe, but i think that...

7. Complete this table with suitable pronoun

Where is the table, and where is the question?

8. What we use them for?43. Complete the table!ThingsChairsTableClockCalendarEraser​


we use chairs to sit.

we use table to put things and do stuffs on it.

we use clock to tell the time.

we use calendar to tell the date.

we use eraser to erase the mistakes written with pencil.

hope this helps:)

9. complete this table of irregular verbs​




Be → was/were → beenBecome → became → becomeBegin → began → begunBite → bit → bittenBring → brought → brought Buy → bought → bought Catch → caught → caughtChoose → chose → chosen Do → did → doneDream → dreamt → dreamtDrive → drove → drivenDrink → drank → drunkEat → ate → eatenFall → fell → fallenFeel → felt → feltFight → fought → fought Find → found → foundForget → forgot → forgotten Get → got → gotten Give → gave → givenGo → went → goneHave → had → hadHear → heard → heardKnow → knew → knownLay → laid → laidLearn → learnt → learntLeave → left → leftLose → lost → lostMake → made → madeMeet → met → metPay → paid → paidRead → read → reafSee → saw → seenSay → said → saidSeek → sought → shoughtSell → sold → soldSleep → slept → sleptSpeak → spoke → spokenSpend → spent → spentSteal → stole → stolenSwim → swam → swumTake → took → takenTeach → taught → taught Tell → told → toldThink → thought → thoughtThrow → threw → thrown Wake → woke → wokenWear → wore → wornWin → won → wonWrite → wrote → written

10. complete this table using suitable word.legends,fables,fairy tales,cartoon

Isi tabel ini menggunakan kata yang tepat. Legenda, Dongeng, Kartun.

11. 3. Write 10 kind of jobs professions and their meaning in IndonesianComplete this following tableWorkplacesDoctorGrow riceFurniture factoryTeach the studentsCatch fish5. Complete this following table!Activity​


Hospital:DoctorGrow Rice:FarmerFurniture:Carpenter'sSchool:TeacherSea:Fisherbarbershop:barber'sBakery:baker'sClothes Shop:tailor'sPharmacy:Chemist'sGrocery Shop:Grocer's


Rumah Sakit:DokterSawah:PetaniToko Perabot Rumah (kayu):Tukang KayuSekolah:guruLaut:nelyantukang potong rambut:tukang cukurtoko roti:tukang rotitoko baju:penjahitApotek:AptekerToko Grosir:pedagang grosir

12. Identify the expression of asking and giving opinions. complete this table!


Asking opinion

1. what do you think of...?

2. which do you like more, ... or ...?

3. Don't you think that... is/are...?

Giving opinion

1. I think that....

2. In my opinion...

3. to me that is...


1. i agree

2. i think so too

3. that's definetly right


1. i don't think so

2. i don't know about that, i think that..

3. Maybe, but i think that...

13. identify the expressions of asking and giving opinions. Complete this table​


asking opinions:

1. what do you think of the education system in Fantasia Island?

2. Ryan, how do you feel?

giving opinions:

1. well, if you ask me, it's terrible.

2. in my opinion, the quality of the teachers in Fantasia Island is very poor.


ga tau diminta cari brp, jd kakak jawab dua saja utk masing2 ya~ good luck

14. Identify the expressions of asking adn giving opinions complete this table​


the expressions of asking adn giving opinions

15. Complete The Table!!!​












1. Met          Meet         Meeting          Bertemu

2. Sit             Sat            Sitting            Duduk

3. Speak      Spoke       Speaking         Berbicara

4. Stand       Stood       Standing          Berdiri

5. Eat            Ate           Eating            Makan

6. Drink       Drank        Drinking          Minum

7. Find         Found        Finding          Mencari

8. Come      Came        Coming           Datang

9. Buy         Bought       Buying           Membeli

10. Make     Made         Making          Membuat

11. Bring     Brought      Bringing        Membawa

Gampang, btw kemaren aku juga baru belajar ini

16. use this table for food lable​


1. merek

2. nama produk

3. isi

4. deskripsi

5. bahan bahan

6. cara penyajian

7. cara menyimpan

17. Write two statements for this table plis jawab harus dikumpulkan besok ​

table yang mana emang di tugasnya gaada gambar nya?

18. compare the two texts you have read and complete this table​


maaf table apa?mohon bagi pengguna yang ingin menanyakan sesuatu tetapi tidak ada clue nya mohon kirim soal dengan fotonya

19. Identify the expressions of asking and giving opinions. Complete this table


mohon maaf tulisan gambar pada bacaan kurang jelas.

20. listen to the dialogs to complete this table​

nomor 1A nomor2B nomor3B

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