The topic of "What Do You Call A Crushed Angle" explores the concept of acute angles, which are angles that are less than 90°. These acute angles can become "crushed" when the distance between their two sides becomes too small. In this case, the angle is called an obtuse angle, as it is greater than 90°. **What is the difference between an acute angle and an obtuse angle?** An acute angle is an angle that is less than 90°, while an obtuse angle is an angle that is greater than 90°.
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Questions and Answers:
1. what do you call of myself?what do you call of my?what do you call of i?what do you call of your?what do you call of you?what do you call of my sister and i?what do you call of they?
What do you call of myself?
Maaf kalo salah,Soalnya masih pemula
2. ~what do you call someone who programs computers? ~what do you call someone who manages a bank? ~what do you call soneone who controls games?
-bank manager
-game master ~ programmer
~ bank manager
~ game master
//all of above was for singular using... for plural, you can put "s" on the last word
3. 1.what do you call your parents son? 2.what does Meta call her gathers sister? 3.what do you parents call yuor sister dougther? 4.what do you call your uncles children? 5.what do you call your mother's husband?
1. Apa yang Anda sebut anak orang tua Anda?
2. Apa yang disebut Meta dia mengumpulkan saudara perempuan?
3. Apa yang orang tua Anda sebut sebagai saudara perempuan Anda?
4. Apa yang Anda sebut anak paman Anda?
5. Apa yang kamu sebut suami ibumu?
Answer :
1. Brother
2. Brother / sister
3. Children
4. Cousin
5. Father
4. What do you call a sovereign of ethopia?
apa yang Anda sebut penguasa Ethiopia?
- king used as a title of the sovereign of Ethiopia.
5. What do you call a baby tiger
apa yang kamu panggil bayi harimau
maaf klo salah
6. What do you call your mother's mother
Grand MotherPenjelasan:
because your mother's mother is your grand mother, you can call she = Grandmadon't forget to make this answer is the best okGrandma or grandmother7. What do you call the text
apa yang anda panggil selanjutnya
8. What do you call a love in your reality?
apa yg anda sebut cinta dalam realitas anda
9. what do you call your brother's son?
Uncle uwuwuwuuwuwuwuuwuw
nephew(keponakan laki²)
10. what do you call a female peacock
Apa yang anda sebut burung merak betina.
Semoga bermanfaat
11. 1.what do you the daughter of your sister?2.what do you call the wife of you brother?3.what do you call the sister of your father?4.what do you call the mother of your grandfather?5.whatd do you call the mother and father?jawab yaa..
1. panggilan anak dari saudara perempuan (niece/ nephew)
2. panggilan istri dari saudara laki-laki (sister)
3. panggilan saudara perempuan dari ayah(aunty)
4. panggilan ibu dari kakek (grandparent)
5. mom's and dad.
maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu
12. What do you call baby kangaroo
Hai ini membuat pertanyaan ?
maaf kalau kurang tepat.:3
1. Are kangaroos and wallabies Indigenous animals of Australia ?
2. What do people call the largest kangaroos ?
3. Where do you find the pouch of the female kangaroo ?
4. Can you find the sentence considered the definition of Kangaroo ? state it !!
5. Which setences tell you about the description of the kangaroo’s appearance ?
Answer :
1. Yes,it is
2. People call the largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and The Red Kangaroo
3. Pouch of the female kangaroo is found the front of her body
4. Yes,i can. In first paragraph.
5. In second paragraph
13. what do you call it in inglish
kamu menyebutnya apa dalam bahasa inggris
14. what do you call a man who falies plane?
semoga membantu :)pilot
selamat mengerjakan = )
15. What do you call this kind offrom
awokwok okb ibcssjiokngh
sebut apa? dan jenis apa?
16. What do you call this story
Apa yg kamu panggil dalam cerita ini
17. What do you call it?
itu adalah Seung dimainka
18. 19 what do you call it in english?20 what do you call it in english?21 what do you call it in english? tolong dijawab ya pliss
[tex]\displaystyle\sf{\color{black}{Jawaban :}}[/tex]
Penjelasan :
Shower adalah alat mandi seperti air hujan
Mirror adalah Cermin atau kaca
Sink adalah tempat dimana kita menggosok gigi atau melakukan hal-hal seperti mencantikan wajah
Bathtub adalah tempat mandi yang didalamnya bisa kita isikan air
Toilet adalah tempat untuk membuang kotoran
#Semoga Membantu :3
#Ayo Belajar & Semangat
19. jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan gambar diatas 12 what do you call it in english?13 what do you call it in english?14 what do you call it in english?15 what do you call it in english? 16 what do you call it in english?tolong dijawab pliis 16 what do you call it in english?
12.jendela: window
13.bak pencuci piring:dishwasher
15.wadah buah: fruit container
16.piring: plate
semoga membantu ^_^
20. What should you do before making a phone call?
Make sure we have creditWhat should you do before making a phone call?
Apa yang harus Anda lakukan sebelum melakukan panggilan telepon?
Jawaban :
Memeriksa nomor nya
check his number
Menekan nomor nya
pressing the number
Maaf kalau salah {^_^}
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