Did You Hear About

Did You Hear About

Did You Hear About is a fun game that encourages critical thinking and problem solving. Players take turns asking yes or no questions to guess the mystery phrase. The goal is to ask questions that will help narrow down the possibilities. **Example Question:** Is the phrase a saying or an expression? No, the phrase is not a saying or expression.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. hey, did you hear about monika's party this sunday? penjelasan dri video trsb apa​


video yang mana? kalimat atau video nya yg diartikan ke bahasa Indo?

2. how did romeo hear about juliet's death?

bagaimana romeo mendengar tentang kematian juliet ini?

3. Steve : it was great to hear about you weddingAlex : ....what did alex answer?​


thank you

maaf kalau salah

4. 1.siti : "Lina I called You when .............. yesterday ,but you did not hear me"Lina :"really ?I,m sorry I did not hear you.......... ​


you were walking out of the bank

I was listening to music with earphones."

sorry if wrong. hope it helps

5. Here is the situation that we have to complete. Siti: " Lina, I called you when. Yesterday, but you did not hear me"lina: "really? I'm sorry I did not hear youHere is what we handwrite on our paper. Siti: "Lina, I called you when _you were walking out of the bank_ yesterday, but you did not hear me"lina: "really? I'm sorry I did not hear you. _I was listening to music with earphones._"​


itu maksudnya gimna??

gk ada yg mo dijwb

6. Here is the situation that we have to complete Siti:"Lina,I called you when.............. ...........................yesterday,but you did not hear me". Lina:"Really?I'm sorry I did not hear you........................................................................................................................."

Siti : " Lina I call you when I SEE YOU ON THE MARKET yesterday, but you did not hear me "

Lina : " Really ? I am sorry I don't not hear you BECAUSE ON THE MARKET VERY NOISE YESTERDAY. "

7. "did you hear the news about what happened..........?a. since Februaryb. for todayc. todayd. this monthe. last monthmohon penjelasannya :)​


b. for today


hope it can help you!!


apakah kamu mendengar berita tentang apa yang terjadi ..........?

a. sejak Februari

b. untuk hari ini

c. hari ini

d. bulan ini

e. bulan lalu ✓

Jawabannya e


Tandai sebagai terbaik ya

8. did you hear that?| think (the baby cry)....

Apakah kamu mendengar itu? Saya rasa bayinya menangisApakah kau mendengar itu ?! Ku rasa (bayinya menangis)

9. did you hear the voice​


apakah kamu mendengar suara itu


what sound,I didn't hear it


thank you for me

10. Yg jago inggris dan yg suka humor , tolong bantu dong!!apa maksud lelucon ini??? - did you hear about italian chef who died- he pasta way

he "Pasta way" = Pass Away = Meninggal

11. Do you always feel certain about hints that you hear or see

Not all I am sure, I will try to find first the truth and authenticity of it all, then I can conclude

12. Andri : did you hear that beni got 10 for his science lesson Miki : .....

Miki:Wow he is so smart.

(N/B:jawabannya saya cuman ambil dari pemikiran saya jika soal tersebut dari buku dan ada cerita nya saya mohon maaf jika salah)miki: Oh really he so smart i want study together with him 

13. What will you say if you did not hear dearly what the speaker just said

sorry, can you talk more loudly, I did not hear it

14. Siti:“lina,i called you when.................. yesterday,but you did not hear meLina:“really?i'm sorry i did not hear your....​

the, calling

maaf klau salah

15. did you hear the new song ... the noah​


made by? (dibuat oleh)


16. lina : Relly? I'm sorry i did not hear you

what the meaning??
tidak ada artinya??what do you mean....??

17. Did you hear about the robbery at the supermarket last night? One of the shopkeepers is the victim. Oh that was terrible! Im so happy to hear that. Carau kata yang salah lalu benarkan


benar semua kok kak


18. i was so excited to hear about you carrier promotion​


Translate : Saya sangat senang mendengar tentang promosi operator Anda

jawaban:saya sangat senang mendengar tentang promosi operator anda

semogga membantu

19. siti: "Lina,I called you when............... .............yesterday ,but you did not hear me. "Lina: "Realy? I 'm sorry I did not hear you.....................................................*​


Siti: “Lina, I called you when you were walking out of the bank yesterday, but you did not hear me.”  (= Lina, saya memanggilmu ketika kamu sedang berjalan keluar dari bank kemarin, tetapi kamu tidak mendengar saya.)

Lina: “Really? I’m sorry I did not hear you. I was listening to music with earphones." (= Beneran? Maaf saya tidak mendengarmu. Saya sedang mendengarkan musik dengan pelantang telinga.)


Soal di atas berhubungan dengan dialog sebelumnya, yaitu

Lina: “Hey, that’s Dayu. Dayu! Dayu!”

Siti: “I don’t think she can hear you. She has earphones on her ears and she’s singing. Maybe she’s listening to her favorite songs.”

Kosakata baku dari earphone adalah pelantang telinga.

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal yang berhubungan dengan soal di atas pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/25144777


20. ryan: Did you hear that Rara got 1 billion rupiahs?

apakah anda mendengar bahwa rara mendapatkan 1 miliar rupiahtranslate : kau mendengar Rara mendapat 1 milliar rupiah?

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