White Birds In Louisiana

White Birds In Louisiana

White Birds in Louisiana

Louisiana is home to many species of white birds, ranging from migratory waterfowl to permanent residents. The state's diverse habitats provide ample opportunities for birdwatchers to observe these birds in their natural habitats.

Migratory Waterfowl

Louisiana is a prime location for observing migrating waterfowl, with flocks of ducks, geese, and swans flying through the state each year. Common species of white waterfowl found in Louisiana include the Snow Goose, Ross's Goose, and White-Fronted Goose.

Permanent Residents

Louisiana is also home to many species of white birds that live in the state year-round. These include the Snowy Egret, Great Egret, and White Ibis. In addition, there are several species of herons and gulls that are commonly seen in Louisiana, including the Great White Heron, Laughing Gull, and Royal Tern.

Rare Species

Louisiana is also home to several rare species of white birds, such as the White-Faced Ibis and White-Tailed Kite. These species are more difficult to observe, but birdwatchers who are able to spot them can be rewarded with a unique sighting.

Habitat Requirements

In order to observe the many species of white birds in Louisiana, it is important to understand the habitat requirements of each species. For example, waterfowl prefer wetlands and open water, while wading birds like egrets and ibis prefer shallow water and mudflats. Gulls are typically found near beaches and shorelines, while raptors such as the White-Tailed Kite prefer open fields and grasslands.

Conservation Efforts

Louisiana is home to many unique species of white birds, and it is important to protect these species from habitat loss and other threats. Conservation efforts in the state focus on preserving and restoring wetlands and other habitats that are essential for the survival of white birds.
Birdwatching Opportunities
Birdwatchers in Louisiana have many opportunities to observe white birds in their natural habitats. A number of state parks, wildlife refuges, and other protected areas provide excellent birdwatching opportunities. In addition, there are several birding festivals held throughout the year that are perfect for exploring the state's many white birds.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. The birds of paradise are so beautiful. ......... colour are, yellow and white.​




sudah tertera pada awal kalimat "The birdsof paradise", birds itu jamak.

2. 1. where do the birds live?a. on the ground.b. in the writer's housec. in the teeed. in the birds' house.2. how are the colour of the birds?a. black and yellowb. white and yellowc. brown and whited. black and brown3. what do the birds do in the morning?a. walk on the ground.b. make nests.c. fly downd. chirp.4. How does the writer feel about the birds?a. He likes them.b. He hates them.c. He ignores them.d. He wants them to go away.mohon bantuannya kk​


hello Suiteyuni5 I will help answer your questions.

C. on the treeD. black and brown D. chirpA. he likes them


This story tells about people who like the presence of birds around trees, when morning comes they sing sweetly, the chirping is very calming and the author loves it

that's my answer

see you next time goodbye

please make the best answer

3. The birds of paradise are so beautiful ........ colour are red, yellow and white.​

Jawaban:    The birds of paradise are so beautiful there colour are red, yellow and white

Penjelasan:semoga betul




merujuk pada penjelasan awal "the birds of paradise" yang mana jamak.

4. Many birds...(fly)south in wrinter

many birds are flying south in winter
Many Birds flying to the south in wrinter.

5. The birds....so high in the sky​


the birds are so high in the sky


The bird (FLY) so high in the sky


burung kan bisa terbang

6. Text for no. 11-15 There is a big tree in front of my house. There are many birds in the tree. The birds are small. Their feathers are black and brown. They make nests in the tree. They fly here and there. They make by chirping in the morning. I like the sounds. The birds sometimes fly down and walk on the ground. I do not catch them. I let them live in the tree so I can enjoy their chirps every morning. 11. Where do the birds live? In the tree On the ground In the bird's house In the writer's house 12. How are the birds? Small Slow Lazy Big 13. What is the color of the birds? Black and white Black and brown Brown and white White and yellow 14. What do the birds do in the morning? Walking on the ground Making nests Flying down Chirping 15. How does the writer feel about the birds? He likes them He hates them He ignores them He wants them to go


11. in the tree

12. small

13. black and brown

14. chirping

15. he likes them

7. 2.In general, female birds are less colorful thanmale birds.What is the best paraphase?a. In general, male birds are more attractivethan female birds.b. On the whole, the feathers of the femalebirds are not as striking as that of theircounterpart.c. Generally speaking, female birds are lesscolorful than male birds.d. In fact, male birds collect more colorthan female birdse. Commonly, female birds have more colorthan male birds​



In general, male birds are more attractive

than female birds.


c. Generally speaking, female birds are less colorful than male birds.

maaf jika salah :(

8. Look ! .... nine birds in the garden *​

Look! there are nine birds in the garden

mengapa "there are"?

karena jumlah burungnya ada 9 (lebih dari satu)

udh lah gw gk pande bikin penjelasan



Look! there are nine birds in the garden

semoga membantu:)

9. Roger ______ nor flowers when he was in prison. (A) neither saw birds (B) saw birds neither (C) saw neither birds (D) neither did birds

Roger sawneitherbirdsnor flowers when he was in prison.

PREFACE Correlative Conjunction :

Correlative conjunction dibagi menjadi beberapa macam :



S + V + correlative conjunction + Object 1+ or/and/nor + Object 2.

➡ Contoh :

I didn't buy bag. I didn't buy scarf. [Saya tidak beli tas. Saya tidak beli syal. ]

Ini bisa kita tambahkan neither/nor. Sehingga kalimatnya :

I bought neither bag nor scarf. [Saya tidak beli tas ataupun syal. ]

She is not in the house. She is not in the school. [Dia tidak ada di rumah. Dia tidak ada di sekolah. ]

Kita lebur neither/nor di dalam kalimatnya menjadi :

She is neither in the house nor in the school. [Dia tidak ada di rumah ataupun di sekolah. ]EXPLICATION

Roger ______ nor flowers when he was in prison.

[Roger tidakmelihatburungataupun bunga ketika dia sedang di penjara. ]

Karena strukturnya : S + V + correlative conjunction + Object 1 + or/and/nor + Object 2, maka kita bisa identifikasi :

S = RogerV = sawCorrelative conjunction = neitherObject 1 = birdsKarena correlative conjunctionnya neither, maka gunakan nor. Object 2 = flowersAdverb = when he was in prison

Sehingga kalimatnya :

Roger saw neither birds nor flowers when he was in prison.

Hope they help you ^^)

Learn More About :Correlative conjunction : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/36714817Correlative conjunction : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/24726247Exercise about correlative conjunction : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18446464Details :

Grade : X

Subject : English

Topic : Correlative conjunction

Category : 10.5

Keywords : neither/nor

10. White the numbers in inggris


one is satu two is dua three is tiga four is empat five is lima six is enam seven is tujuh eight is delapan nine is sembilan dan Ten is sepuluh

11. Tense lagu beautiful in white apa?


kan ada kata tonight nya tuh..menurut saya simple present

12. (a) Crawfish farming (b) have been practiced in south Louisiana (c) for many (d) years.

Crawfish farming have been practiced in south louisiana for many years.

13. beautiful in white di ciptakan dan dinyanyikan oleh​


di ciptakan oleh Savan Kotecha dan Arnthor Birgisson,di populerkan shane filan,dan pernah dinyanyikan oleh boyband westlife


sekian dari saya semoga membantu


pencipta/penulis:savan Kotecho dan Arnpor Birgisson

dinyanyikan oleh:Shane filan (seorang anggota boyband Irlandia westlife).


semoga membantu

14. titik-titik ten birds in the cages​


There is


There is ten birds in the cages






there are adalah bahasa Inggris dari 'ada' dalam jumlah yg lebih dari satu, sedangkan there is adalah bahasa Inggris 'ada' dalam jumlah satu

contoh :

there are twenty students in the grade 8there is one bird in the cages



15. Apa arti dari Louisiana orleansza


Louisiana Orleansza adalah  nama kota atau New Orleans


Kota Louisiana di sungai Mississippi, dekat Mexico

16. the birds...flying in the sky​




the birds are flying in the sky

maaf kalo salah


The birds are flying in the sky

Birds merupakan bentuk jamak dari burung artinya lebih dari satu/plural. Oleh karena itu untuk to be nya kita gunakan are

Jika jawaban ini membantu jangan lupa tandai sebagai jawaban terbaik/brainliest

17. it) The birds fly in the sky.​


burungnya terbang di awan

18. two-there-birds-are-in-cage-the​




19. There is a big tree in front of my house. There are many birds in the tree. The birds are small. Their feathers are black and brown. They make nests in the tree. They fly here and there. They make by chirping in the morning. I like the sounds. The birds sometimes fly down and walk on the ground. I do not catch them. I let them live in the tree so I can enjoy their chirps every morning.1. Where do the birds live?A. In the treeC. In the bird’s houseB. On the ground D. In the writer’s house2. How are the birds?A. Small B. Slow C. LazyD. Big 3. What is the color of the birds?A. Black and white C. Brown and whiteB. Black and brown D. White and yellow4. What do the birds do in the morning?A. Walking on the ground C. Flying downB. Making nests D. Chirping 5. How does the writer feel about the birds?A. He likes them C. He ignores themB. He hates them D. He wants them to go ​


1.) A. In the tree

2.) A. Small

3.) B. Black and Brown

4.) D. Chirping

5.) A. He likes them


1.) Bukti, "There is a big tree in front of my house. There are many birds in the tree. The birds are small. Their feathers are black and brown. They make nests in the tree." Bukti bahwa burung2 tersebut tinggal di atas pohon.

2.) Bukti, "The birds are small" Bukti bahwa burung2 tersebut kecil.

3.) Bukti, "The birds are small. Their feathers are black and brown." Bukti bahwa warna burung2 trsebut adalah warna hitam dan coklat.

4.) Bukti, "I do not catch them. I let them live in the tree so I can enjoy their chirps every morning." Bukti bahwa para burung berkicau dipagi hari.

5.) Bukti, "They make by chirping in the morning. I like the sounds. The birds sometimes fly down and walk on the ground. I do not catch them. I let them live in the tree so I can enjoy their chirps every morning." Bukti bahwa dia menyukai para burung2 itu, dan menikmati kicauan mereka setiap pagi.



20. birds are(fly) in the sky​


artinya: "terbang"


semoga membantu :)


burung-burung (terbang) di langit

birds are(fly) in the sky


birds (flying) in the sky =using wings

burung - burung (terbang) di langit = menggunakan sayap

Jika Boleh Jadikan Jawaban tercerdas yak kak!❤️✨

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