B thật l ngoan by Hoi An (trẻ) Guitar Chords

p strongBé thật là ngoan/strong played in guitar may be one of your liked song. Not only hearing the music but you can play Bé thật là ngoan by Hoài An (trẻ) using guitar too. Yeah .. this music by may also be played by that instrument. But, first thing, you must know its guitar chords. /p p If you are searching for emBé thật là ngoan guitar chords/em, you already visit to the best site. /p p Yeah,Ya, guitar is tough to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. The more you proceeding, the simple guitar will feel to play that music. /p p Bé thật là ngoan guitar chords has rhythm and included in album. /p h3Bé thật là ngoan by Hoài An (trẻ) Guitar Chords/h3 1. Bàn tay [G] em như hoa xinh tươibrMười ngón [D] tay trắng hồng em cườibrGiữ [Am] sạch và thật thơm mẹ [G] cha cưng em nhiều hơnbrbrHọc bài [G] xong em tung tăng chơibrNhiều vết [D] bẩn áo quần trên ngườibrEm [D7] vào để mẹ tắm rửa cho sạch [G] thơm.brbr2. Rửa sạch [G] đôi tay khi vào ănbrĐừng đánh [D] rơi thức ăn lên áo quầnbrNghe [Am] lời và thật ngoan, mẹ [G] cha cưng em nhiều hơnbrbrVào chải [G] răng khi ăn vừa xongbrRửa mặt [D] cho em thật thơm mátbrLấy [D7] chiếc khăn mềm lau khô, được [G] khen, bé thật là ngoan. ----------------- p If you wanna be master of emHoài An (trẻ) Bé thật là ngoan/em guitar chords, you have to learn the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minors of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Every of those minor chords is entirely based on its major counterpart. /p p For your info, you may also search for another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. Want to play another guitar chords? Simple .. just use search menu in this web, you may find it by song title or by the artist. Have Fun! /p

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