Christmas Everyday by Kenny Rogers Guitar Chords

p strongChristmas Everyday/strong played in guitar may be one of your favourite music. Not only enjoying the song but you can play Christmas Everyday by Kenny Rogers using guitar too. Yes .. this music by may also be played by that device. But, first thing, you need to understand its guitar chords. /p p Whether you are searching for emChristmas Everyday guitar chords/em, you just come to the best site. /p p Yes, guitar is tough to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play that music. /p p Christmas Everyday guitar chords has rhythm and included in Other Songs album. /p h3Christmas Everyday by Kenny Rogers Guitar Chords/h3 He was born so f[C]ar away so the sto[F]ry's t[G7]old[C]brbr[Am]We remember [Dm]Christmas day [G7]when winter days grow [C]coldbrbrWith the time it passes [F]by [G7]we put away the [C]trimbrbr[Am]Then we live and wonder [Dm]why [G7]we can't remember [C]when[G7]brbr[F]Christmas star shines [C]once a year [G7]then it fades [C]awaybrbr[F]Keep the spirit [Em]in your [Am]heart [D7]its Christmas every[G7]daybrbr(Christmas every[C]day)brbrIt's not the bells and it's not the snow [F]and it's not the gifts we [C]getbrbrBut [Am]He was born [Em]so long [D7]ago [G7]it's easy to [C]forgetbrbr[F]Peace on earth goodwill to [C]men [Dm]men can't [G7]go a[C]lonebrbr[Fm]We get lost [A#7]along the way [Dm]but He can bring us [G7]homebrbr[C]Remember Him throughout the [F]year [G7]without the star [C]abovebrbrHe [Am]left us all a [Dm]Christmas gift [G7]He left the gift of [C]lovebrbr[F]Christmas star shines [C]once a year [G7]then it fades [C]awaybrbr[F]Keep the spirit [Em]in your [Am]heart and [D7]its Christmas [G7]every[F]da[C]y ----------------- p If you want to study emKenny Rogers Christmas Everyday/em guitar chords, you need to learn the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we take all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just lack tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is entirely based on its major counterpart. /p p For your info, you can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. Wanna play another guitar chords? Simple .. just click search button in this place, you may find it by song title or by the artist. Have Fun! /p

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