There Is No If by The Cure Guitar Chords

p strongThere Is No If…/strong played in guitar can be one of your favourite song. Not only enjoying the song but you can play There Is No If… by The Cure using guitar too. Yeah .. this song by can also be played by that instrument. But, before that, you need to understand its guitar chords. /p p If you are looking for emThere Is No If… guitar chords/em, you already come to the perfect web. /p p Yes, guitar is not easy to master in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. The more you proceeding, the easier guitar will feel to play There Is No If… song. /p p There Is No If… guitar chords has rhythm and included in Other Songs album. /p h3There Is No If… by The Cure Guitar Chords/h3 Tabbed by Rodrigo Acua ( The CurebrSong: There Is No If...brAlbum: Bloodflowers (2000)brStandard Tuningbrbr[Bm]Remember the first time I [A]told you I love you[(Asus4)]brbr[Em]It was raining [(Em9)]hard and you never heard[(Em9)]brbr[Bm]You sneezed! and I had to say it [A]over[(Asus4)]brbr[Em]I said 'I love you' I sai[(Em9)] didn't say a word[(Em9)]brbr[Bm]Just held your hands to my [A]shining eyesbrbr[Em]And I watched as the rain [(Em9)]ran through your fingers[(Em9)]brbr[Bm]Held your hands to my [A]shining eyes and [Em]smiled as you kissed mebrbr[G]If you die, you said, so do I you said...brbr[A]And it starts the day you make the signbrbr[G]Tell me I'm forever yours and you're forever [A]minebrbrForever [D]mine..[A].[Bm][Em7]brbr[D]If you die, you said, so do [A]I you said...brbrAnd it [Bm]starts the day you cross that [Em7]linebrbr[A]Swear I will always be yours and you'll always be [G]mine[Em]brbr[G]You'll always be mine[Em]brbr[G]Always be mine...[Em]brbr[Bm]Remember the last time I [A]told you I love you[A(sus4)]brbr[Em]It was warm and safe in a perfect worldbrbr[Bm]You yawned and I had to say it [A]overbrbr[Em]I said 'I love you' I didn't say a wordbrbr[Bm]Just held your hands to your [A]shining eyesbrbrAn[Em]d I watched as the tears [(Em9)]ran through your fingers[(Em9)]brbr[Bm]Held your hands to your [A]shining eyes and [Em]criedbrbr[G]If you die, you said, so do I you said...brbr[A]But it ends the day you see how it isbrbr[G]There is no always forever...just [A]this...brbrJust [D]this..[A].[Bm][Em7]brbrIf you [D]die, you said, so do [A]I you saidbrbrBut it [Bm]ends the day you unders[Em7]tandbrbr[A]There is no if...just [G]and[Em]brbr[G]There is no [Em]if...just [G]and[Em]brbr[G]There is no [Em]if... ----------------- p If you want to be master of emThe Cure There Is No If…/em guitar chords, you need to understand the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we take all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords only lack tiny adjustments. Every of those minor chords is perfectly based on its major counterpart. /p p Fyi, you can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. Want to play another guitar chords? Easy .. just use search button in this web, you can find it by song title or by the artist. Have Fun! /p

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