Untitled and Unsung by Belly Guitar Chords

p strongUntitled and Unsung/strong played in guitar may be one of the perfect song you loved. Not only enjoying the music but you can play Untitled and Unsung by Belly using guitar too. Yeah .. this song by may also be played by that instrument. But, before that, you must know its guitar chords. /p p Whether you are searching for emUntitled and Unsung guitar chords/em, you just visit to the best web site. /p p Yups, guitar is tough to study in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. The more you proceeding, the easier guitar will feel to play Untitled and Unsung music. /p p Untitled and Unsung guitar chords has rhythm and included in King (1995) album. /p h3Untitled and Unsung by Belly Guitar Chords/h3 prebr-------------------------------------------------------------------------------br/prebrUntitled and Unsung - Bellybrbrprebr-------------------------------------------------------------------------------br/prebrTabbed by: Travis CampbellbrEmail:traviscamp@earthlink.netbrbr| / slide upbr| \ slide downbr| h hammer-onbr| p pull-offbr| ~ vibratobr| + harmonicbr| x Mute notebrbrChords:brE Am Dsus Dm F Am 12thfretbrbrprebre|---0-------0-------3------1------1-------0----------------------|brB|---0-------1-------3------3------1-------13---------------------|brG|---1-------2-------2------2------2-------14---------------------|brD|---2-------2-------0------0------3-------14---------------------|brA|---2-------0---------------------3-------0----------------------|brE|---0-----------------------------1-------0----------------------|br/prebr[--] brbrNote-When playing the 12 fret Am in the chorus, the 13 on the b string will change frombrto 12 and back to 13 during the chord. All other notes in the chord will remain the same.brbrIntro Lead Guitarbr( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/b/belly/untitled_and_unsung_tab_ver_2.html )brbrprebre|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brB|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|brG|--9\7---7/9-----9\7----4----5----------------------------------------------|brD|---x----x--------x-----x----x----------------------------------------------|brA|--7\5---5/7-----7\5----2----3----------------------------------------------|brE|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|br/prebrbr[Am]I want you [Dsus]soft in the [Dm]middlebrbr[Am]I see a [Dsus]strange and [Dm]furious facebrbr[Am]I know your heart[Dsus][Dm][E]brbr[Am]I want your [Dsus]pearly hand in my [Dm]hairbrbr[Am]We make a [Dsus]strange and [Dm]furious pairbrbr[Am]I want you [Dsus]locked in the [Dm]middlebrbr[Am]I know your heart[Dsus][Dm]brbr[Am]I know your heart[Dsus][Dm][E]brbr[E]It's just like mine was[Am]brbrAm12fret AmbrSo you wanna know why I can't sleepbrbrAm12fret AmbrYou wanna know why I can't sleepbrbrAm12fret FbrYou wanna know why I can't sleepbrbr[F]Unless I've got a belly full of wine,[E]brbr[E]You show up in time for a bad time[F]brbr[F]Mmm, 'less I've got a belly full of wine,[E]brbr[E]You show up and the world is wild.brbrRepeat ----------------- p If you want to be master of emBelly Untitled and Unsung/em guitar chords, you should to learn the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords only lack few adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is quite based on its major counterpart. /p p For your info, you may also search for another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords in this site. Want to play another guitar chords? Easy .. just use search button in this web, you may find it by song title or by the artist. Have Fun! /p

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