The War in the Gulf Between Us by Adrian Belew Guitar Chords

p strongThe War in the Gulf Between Us/strong in guitar acoustic version might be one of your loved music. Not only enjoying the music but you can play The War in the Gulf Between Us by Adrian Belew using guitar too. Yes .. this song by may also be played by that instrument. But, first thing, you need to know its guitar chords. /p p If you are looking for emThe War in the Gulf Between Us guitar chords/em, you just visit to the right place. /p p Yes, guitar is not easy to study in the beginning, but gets easier the more time you stick with it. The more you proceeding, the smooth guitar will feel to play the song. /p p The War in the Gulf Between Us guitar chords has rhythm and included in Inner Revolution (1992) album. /p h3The War in the Gulf Between Us by Adrian Belew Guitar Chords/h3 From the Inner Revolution recordbrbrIntrobrbr[D] [F#-] [A] brbrIt sta[D]rted long ago, you h[G]ave to unders[D]tandbrwe th[F#-]ought we'd make a life, we th[G]ought we had a planbrwe bu[D]ilt it like a house and f[G]illed it up with [D]kidsbrthe o[F#-]nly trouble isbrI w[C]on't be back again[G]brbrCause so[D]mething in my heart has t[G-]aken to the windbrand n[B-]othing I can do will [E]bring it back againbrno[G]body ever wins the [G-]war in the gulf bet[A]ween usbr[D]something in my heart no [G-]longer could survivebrthose b[B-]attles in the day, the q[E]uiet in the nightbrI l[G]ost the will to fight the [G-]war in the gulf be[D]tween us[F#-]brbr[A-] [G] [G-] [A] brbrAnd t[D]hen it all began, the q[G]uarrels and the m[D]oodsbrI [F#-]tip-toed all around you; you d[G]anced around me toobrand s[D]omewhere in between we f[G]ound the time for [D]lovebrthe [F#-]only trouble isbrit [C]never was enough[G]brbrCause [D]something in my heart has t[G-]aken to the windbrand [B-]nothing I can do will [E]bring it back againbrno[G]body ever wins the [G-]war in the gulf be[A]tween usbr[D]something in my heart no [G-]longer could survivebrthose [B-]battles in the day, the q[E]uiet in the nightbrI l[G]ost the will to fight the [G-]war in the gulf betw[D]een us[F#-]brbr[G] What was the sense in ke[A]eping alivebr[C] something that never made us sa[G]tisfiedbr[E-] sometimes it's better to get o[A]n with your lifebrI d[C]on't believe in hurting each ot[A7]her all the timebrbrSOLObrbr[D] [G-] br[D] [G-] br[D] [F#-] [A] brbrNow a[D]fter all the lawyers have [G]eaten our r[D]emainsbrand [F#-]after all the nights have s[G]wallowed up the painbrthen [D]maybe we will meet, we'll f[G]ind a neutral [D]placebrthe o[F#-]nly trouble isbrwhat [C]will we have to say?[G]brbrWell [D]something in our hearts will [G-]have to try and givebrand [B-]something in our hearts will [E]have to learn to livebrto[G]gether and apart wi[G-]thout another war be[D]tween us[F#-]brbr[A-] [G] [G-] [A] br[D] brbrAs always, fell free to make this tab better.brThis is one of the most pop song written by Adrian, but I love it from the deep of mybr'cause what you can find here are a very amazing words, talking about the end of hisbr(the following rise up is May 1, 1990 from Here).brI wrote only the chord just because the note and solo parts are very simple to find.brI hope you'll enjoy playing this with your acoustic guitar, singing with your friendsbrdedicating to your ex girlfriend!brSimple but simply beautiful.brThank you ----------------- p If you want to learn emAdrian Belew The War in the Gulf Between Us/em guitar chords, you need to look at the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we take all major chords is that the minors of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is entirely based on its major counterpart. /p p For your info, you may also search for another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. Searching for another guitar chords? Easy .. just click search button in this web, you can search it by song title or by the artist. Enjoy! /p

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