Wait by Everyday Sunday Guitar Chords

p strongWait/strong in guitar acoustic version may be one of your loved music. Not only enjoying the music but you can play Wait by Everyday Sunday using guitar too. Yup .. this music by may also be played by that instrument. But, first thing, you must know its guitar chords. /p p If you are looking for emWait guitar chords/em, you have come to the right site. /p p Yes, guitar is hard to study in the beginning, but gets easier the more time you stick with it. The more you proceeding, the simple guitar will feel to play that song. /p p Wait guitar chords has rhythm and included in Stand Up (2002) album. /p h3Wait by Everyday Sunday Guitar Chords/h3 Wait - Everyday SundaybrbrRiff 1br[Am] [F] [Am] [F] [Am] [F] [C] [C] brbre-----------------------------------------------------------------------------brB-----1-------1--------1--------1-------1-------1--------1-------1------------brG---2---2---2---2---2----2---2---2---2---2---2---2----2---2---2---2----------- 4XbrD-2-------3-------2--------3-------2-------3----------------------------------brA----------------------------------------------------3------------------------brE-------------------------------------------------------------3--------------- brbrbrRiff 2br[Am] [F] [Am] [F] [Am] [F] [G] [G] brbre------------------------------------------------------------------brB------------------------------------------------------------------brG-222222------222222------222222-------555555----------------------brD-222222--33--222222--33--222222--33--555555--55------------------- 2XbrA-000000--33--000000--33--000000--33--333333--55-------------------brE----------11----------11-----------11----------33----------------- brbrbr(Verse : riff 1)br[Am]You're rushing, [F]doing everything anythi[Am]ng on the verge. [F]Not even thinking a[Am]bout what if y[F]ou're [C]br[C]doing is absurd.br[Am]I dont m[F]ean to be the[Am] one to cut[F] in, but[Am] you might want [F]to stop and thin[C]k about what you[C]'re doing.brbr(Chorus : riff 2)br[Am]Here we go, ever[F]ybody in the house one t[Am]ime, everybo[F]dy get up with their rhyme a[Am]nd the times and [F]breverybody says it, eve[G]rybody goes and ev[G]erybody plays it what, and everybod[Am]y says[F] you're front, [Am]br[F]and everybody says you go[Am] with your flow, and everybody [F]knows, everybody sings, [G]and everybody [G]brbrbrings it.brbrRiff 1 : Am F Am F Am F C Cbrbr(Verse : riff 1)br[Am]Have fun go[F] ahead, do any[Am]thing i[F]nstead.br[Am]You can do what [F]you want if it looks fun.[C][C]br[Am]But God is in[F] control of[Am] the ro[F]ute and t[Am]hat is w[F]hat its [C]all abou[C]t.brbr(Pr Chorus : riff 2)br[Am]Movin' in a van, so [F]what we are a band, now y[Am]ou gotta get up, get the[F] lights shining and jump[Am]ing onbryour feet, w[F]ell hit you with a beat, let[G]s move for. He has given[G] us everything. There isn't a time, a [Am][F]brplace you can be, not[Am] a place in your face that [F]you cannot see, back up your [Am]face are you talking,br[F]yea, I said its grace, He[G] will be with me eve[G]ry place, every place.br(Chorus : riff 2)br[Am]And why now, eve[F]rybody says it, why now[Am], and eve[F]rybody says you go with y[Am]our flow andbr[F]everybody knows, and ev[G]erybody sings and everybody br[G]ings it.br[Am]And why now, eve[F]rybody says it, why now[Am], and eve[F]rybody says you go with y[Am]our flow andbr[F]everybody knows, and ev[G]erybody sings and ever[G]ybody brings it.brbrRiff 1 : Am F Am F Am F C Cbrbr(Verse : riff 1)br[Am]You go and ever[F]ybody says it, you go and e[Am]verybody throws[F] it,br[Am]you go and ever[F]ybody fakes it one time, and[C] everybody shows it,[C]br[Am]one time and ev[F]erybody knows it, one time and ev[Am]erybody goes it[F],br[C]one time and everyb[C]ody blows it.brbr(Pr Chorus : riff 2)br[Am]Here we go, here we go, come[F] on. Come on[Am] man tell me what you we[F]re thinking, doing everything [Am]br[F]with a selfish reason. I[G] didn't meant to be the on[G]e to cut in, b[Am]ut you gotta stop and think abou[F]t whatbryou're doing. You [Am]sang your song way ou[F]t of tune, so step off now [Am]and let it loo[F]se, Im not gonna d[Am]obr[F]it your way! Im [G]doing it for God, so Im here t[G]oday.brbr(Chorus : riff 2)br[Am]And why now, eve[F]rybody says it, why now[Am], and eve[F]rybody says you go with y[Am]our flow andbr[F]everybody knows, and ev[G]erybody sings and everybody br[G]ings it.br[Am]And why now, eve[F]rybody says it, why now[Am], and eve[F]rybody says you go with y[Am]our flow andbr[F]everybody knows, and ev[G]erybody sings and ever[G]ybody brings it.brbrVerse : riff 1brAm F Am F Am F C C 2xbrbrChorus : riff 2br[Am] [F] [Am] [F] [Am] [F] [G] [G] ----------------- p If you wanna learn emEveryday Sunday Wait/em guitar chords, you should to understand the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require few adjustments. Every of those minor chords is perfectly based on its major counterpart. /p p Btw, you can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. Searching for another guitar chords? Easy .. just use search button in this place, you may find it by song title or by the artist. Enjoy! /p

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