Understanding Average
Definition of Average
Average is a term used to describe a measure of central tendency. It is calculated as the sum of a set of values divided by the number of values in the set. In other words, it is a way of representing the middle value of a group of numbers.Types of Average
There are three types of average: mean, median, and mode. The mean is the arithmetic average, which is the sum of all values divided by the number of values. The median is the middle value of the set of numbers when they are sorted from lowest to highest. The mode is the value that appears most often in the set.Calculating Average
To calculate the average, add up all the values in the set and then divide by the number of values. For example, if the set contains the numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7, the total of the set is 16 and the average is 4 (16 divided by 4).Using Average to Make Comparisons
Average can be used to compare the performance of different groups. For example, a teacher may calculate the average test score of all students in the class to determine the overall performance.Applications of Average
Average is used in many fields, such as business, economics, and statistics. It is also used to measure the performance of athletes, teams, and financial investments. Average is a great tool for making decisions based on data, as it provides an easy way to compare different sets of data.Related Video:
Questions and Answers:
1. unscramble the latters to make words then write sentences with the words 1. I E W E J L Y E R 2. C r i m y h e n a 3. r y a v c e d i v 4. e v e l d r y i
1. Jewelry
2. Machinery
3. Discovery
4. Delivery
2. Unscramble the letters to make words. C-l-e-a-r-t-i
3. Unscramble these letters and write the words: 1. n - t - e - m - i - t - e -s - r - e - v - d - A 2. C - a - r - h - i - t - y 3. n - t - e - a - u - t - o - F - r 4. S - r - t - e - h - e - l 5. o - n - t - a - e - D 6. R - e - s - i – a 7. t - c - C - n - o - e - r 8. F - r - u - e - n - s - i - d - r - a
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Materi: Scrambling Words
1. Advertisement.
2. Charity.
3. Fortunate.
4. Shelter.
5. Donate.
6. Raise.
7. Concert.
8. Fundraiser.
Semoga membantu.
4. unscramble smeomites
An ancient term: primitive segment) is a set of bilateral paired paraxial mesoderm blocks formed in the embryonic arrangement of somitogenesis, along the head-to-tail axis of a segmented animal. In vertebrates, some are divided into sclerotomes, myotomes, syndromes, and dermatomes that cause vertebrae in the vertebral column, ribs and occipital bones; skeletal muscles, cartilage, tendons, and skin (the back). [2]
Gray19 with color.png
Transverse section of half the embryo from forty-five hours incubation. The back surface (back) of the embryo points up this page, while the ventral surface (front) goes down.
Dorsum of the human embryo, 2.11 mm long. (The old term primitive segment is used for somit usage.)
Carnegie Stage
For days
20 [1]
paraxial mesoderm
Give rise to
dermatome, myotome, sclerotome
The identifier
Anatomical Terminology
[edit on Wikidata]
The word somite is sometimes also used as a metamere word. In this resolution, some are paired structures that are homologous in the animal's body plan, as seen in annelids and arthropods. [3]
5. 1) Unscramble the parts of theRespiratory System.a) otinirsb) nyxrahpc) alrxnyd) gunle) bohosunrf) aipgamrhdg) rbhcioh) nocelihorbi) aievollj) otuhmk) rthceaa
Jawaban: sdfadvz f fdw
6. unscramble the questions.
2. Where is the school located?
3. when do classes start?
4.what sports facilities are there?
5.is there a dance club?b. where is the school located ?
c. when do classes start ?
d. what sport facilities are there ?
e. there is a dance club ?
7. unscramble this letters to find the jobsl-b-i-c-r-a-y-e-r-k
jawabannya bricklayer
8. unscramble the words to make a sentence !
1. I enjoy watching football. How about you
2. My name is Karina, How about yours?
3. Where your house? We live is here.
4. What's your as job? I work an engineer
6. Would you like a seat some tea?
7. I am Karina, Is this Carl my friend.
maaf kalo salah
nomor lima aku kurang bisa jawabnya
mohon maaf :)
9. police officer / mother / a / is’nt / Meike’s (Please unscramble this sentence)
meike's mother isn't a police officer
Meike's mother isn't a police officer
10. unscramble the following letters to make meaningful words N T O E D S L O E
lodestone artinya batu magnet
semoga membantu dan maaf kalau salah
11. Quiz+25Unscramble the word !R - P - D - I - I - S - E - T - N - A - E - LClue : Relating to the head of the government and the fundamental leader of the country. Not the Noun (job) but the Adjective.
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Arranging Letters (menyusun huruf) menjadi sebuah Adjective (kata sifat) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Adjective adalah kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk memodifikasi / memperkuat makna dari kata benda yang menjadi rujukannya dalam kalimat.
Kata "Presidential" memiliki makna bagi seseorang untuk memiliki sikap dan perilaku yang sesuai dengan jabatannya sebagai presiden, yaitu perilaku / sikap yang bermartabat dan percaya diri.
Semoga membantu ya.
12. unscramble the words
1. There's a book on my desk.
2. There are many trees near my house.
3. There's some food in the fridge.
4. There's a party at 9.00.
5. Are there any cafes?
Maap kalo salah
1. There's a book on my desk
2. There are many trees near my house
3. There's some food in the fridge.
4. There's a party at 9.00.
5. Are there many cafe?
1. Ada buku di mejaku.
2. Ada banyak pohon di dekat rumahku.
3. Ada beberapa makanan di lemari es.
4. Ada pesta jam 9.00.
5. Apakah ada banyak kafe?
13. unscramble the words to make a sentence ! like – Would – Have – you – a – tea? – some – seat
Would you like a have seat some tea?
maaf kalau salah
14. unscramble this letters to make adverb1. Foulbdytul = D2. Ueaenytllv = E3. Nsgeeryoul = G
Adverb of manner adalah kata keterangan yang menceritakan bagaimana sesuatu itu terjadi.
Biasanya ditempatkan setelah atau sebelum kata kerja utama atau setelah objek.
Unscramble this letters to make adverb (Uraikan huruf dibawah ini menjadi adverb)
1. Foulbdytul = Doubtfully
2. Ueaenytllv = Eventually
3. Nsgeeryoul = Generously
PembahasanPenggunaan Adverb of manner:
1. Tidak bisa diletakkan diantara kata kerja dan objek langsung. Adverb harus ditempatkan sebelum kata kerja atau diakhir klausa.
She happily receive the money (Correct)
2. JIka ada preposisi sebelum kata kerja, maka adverb bisa ditempatkan sebelum preposisi atau setelah objek
She looked after the dog carefully
She looked carefully after the dog
3. Adverbs selalu ditempatkan langsung jika kalimatnya tidak mempunyai objek (intransitive verbs).
She waited patiently for her friends
Pelajari lebih lanjutApa itu adverb of manner https://brainly.ph/question/247275Contoh kalimat adverb of manner https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3411596-----------------------------------------------
Detil jawabanKelas: 7
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Adverb
Kode: 7.5.7
Kata Kunci: Adverb of Manner
15. What's the country _ u s _ a _ e r _ _ _ y _ n _ _ a _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ a Unscramble country Aeeiblns : Aaicrb : Iibhrst :
Rusia Germany India Indonesia 1. ? 2. Arabic 3. ?
16. Unscramble these words bellow 1. N I V R E N T E O M 2. A N I C N A B I M L S Translate the words. Make a sentence
Pisahkan kata-kata ini di bawah
1. N I V R E N T E O M
2. A N I C N A B I M L S
Terjemahkan kata-kata. Buatlah sebuah kalimat
17. unscramble/rearrange these words : R-u-s-d-y-e-o-n-a-o-u-e (Rusdyeonaoue) = O-d-a-n-t-b (Odantb) = a-h-l-s-t-o-n-k-a-t (ahlstonkat) = u-s-e-y-p-e-m-a-l-r (useypemalr) =
(Rusdyeonaoue) (Odantb) (Ahlstonkat) (Useypemalr)Penjelasan:
jadikan jawaban yang terbaik
18. unscramble words! liza - her - has - family- vacation - every - and - a
Liza and every her family has a vacation
19. Unscramble the words to make a sentence
20. unscramble = uraikan kata tersebut !!
smartphone jawabannya
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