Bioflix Activity Gas Exchange Carbon Dioxide Transport

Bioflix Activity Gas Exchange Carbon Dioxide Transport

Bioflix Activity Gas Exchange Carbon Dioxide Transport

What is Gas Exchange?

Gas exchange is the process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between living organisms and their environment. This process is essential for the survival of living organisms, as oxygen is required for cellular respiration, and carbon dioxide is a waste product of the process.

How Does Gas Exchange Work?

Gas exchange between an organism and its environment takes place in specialized structures called either gills or lungs, depending on the organism. In both cases, a thin layer of moist tissue separates the air from the organism's bloodstream. Oxygen from the air diffuses into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide diffuses out of the bloodstream into the air.

What is Carbon Dioxide Transport?

Carbon dioxide transport is the process of transporting carbon dioxide from the cells of the body to the lungs, where it can be expelled from the body. This process is facilitated by the circulatory system, which carries the carbon dioxide in the bloodstream to the lungs.

How Does Carbon Dioxide Transport Work?

Carbon dioxide is carried by the red blood cells in the form of bicarbonate ions. When the red blood cells enter the lungs, the bicarbonate ions react with water molecules to form carbonic acid. This reaction releases carbon dioxide, which can then be expelled from the body when the organism exhales.

What is the BioFlix Activity Gas Exchange Carbon Dioxide Transport?

The BioFlix Activity Gas Exchange Carbon Dioxide Transport is an interactive learning module that teaches students about the process of gas exchange and carbon dioxide transport in living organisms. Through animations, interactive activities, and assessments, students can gain a better understanding of how these processes work.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Why is carbon dioxide called a GreenHouse gas?​


Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas it traps the heat given out by the earth and keeps it warm,like a greenhouse that traps heat and keeps its interior warm.

2. M oxide+ carbon →M+carbon oxide What is M?​


Metal such as zinc, iron, tin, lead and copper


Carbon monoxide is also a byproduct of the reduction of metal oxide ores with carbon, shown in a simplified form as follows:

MO + C --> M + CO

The example for metal that can be obtained from this reaction:

zinc, iron, tin, lead and copper.

3. Inhale is taking in ... and exhale is giving out ....A. Nitrogen, Carbon dioxideB. Oxygen, Carbon dioxideC. Carbon dioxide, OxygenD. Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen​


B. Oxygen, Carbon dioxide


Menarik nafas adalah mengambil Oksigen dan menghembuskan nafas adalah mengeluarkan karbondioksida.

4. Find the volume of gas present in 22g of carbon dioxide at r.t.p​


volume alam


maaf kalau salah

5. The increase of carbon dioxide in theatmwosphere.​


2019). Global atmospheric carbon dioxide was 409.8 ± 0.1 ppm in 2019, a new record high. ... The annual rate of increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 60 years is about 100 times faster than previous natural increases, such as those that occurred at the end of the last ice age 11,000-17,000 years

maaf kalo salah jawaban nya ^_^

6. What does a plant use to do Photosynthesis?A.Water,Carbon Dioxide,And CarbohydratesB.Carbon Dioxide,Carbohydrates,And OrganismsC.Water,Carbon Dioxide,And SunlightD.Carbohydrates,Organisme,And Choroplasts​


C.Water,Carbon Dioxide,And Sunlight


C. Water, Carbon Dioxide, and Sunlight


Plants need sunlight to carry out photosynthesis so that their nutritional needs are met.

semoga membantu

7. rumus kimia carbon dioxide apa ya

  semoga membantu,
Rumus kimia karbon dioksida adalah CO2

8. this organ has sach which are the cells that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. this organ called​

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Penjelasan :

Bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called alveoli, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide actually takes place. Each person has hundreds of millions of alveoli in their lungs. This network of alveoli, bronchioles, and bronchi is known as the bronchial tree.

9. what effect does carbon dioxide have on the atmosphere

They will be creating a gas layer around of earth so will make our earth increasing the temperature who gets from the sun

10. Apa arti dari removes carbon dioxide from the blood



11. 15.In the lungs, … moves from the air sacs into the blood vessels while … moves from the blood vessels into the air sacs. A. carbon dioxide, oxygen B. oxygen, carbon dioxide C. carbon dioxide, nitrogen D. oxygen, nitrogen16. Where is carbon dioxide and oxygen exchanged at capillaries? Write a word for the correct answer.tolong bantu Jangan ngasal​


B. Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide


In the lungs, Oxygen moves from the air sacs into the blood vessels while Carbon Dioxide moves from the blood vessels into the air sacs.

Maaf kalau salah:)

12. Three components that are resulted after respiration are ....A. Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, EnergyC. Carbon Dioxide, Sugar, WaterB Energy, Carbon Dioxide, WaterD. Water, Nitrogen, Oxygen​

Energy,carbon dioxide and water


b. energy,carbon,dioxide, water


semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik y klo jawaban aku bener

13. The Act of breathing in and out is controlled by the ... Sorrrounding. - A. Carbon Dioxide B. Muscles C. Exchange D. Contracts E. Expands


A. Carbon Dioxide


The Act of breathing in and out is controlled by the Carbon Dioxide sorrounding

14. How to identify oxygen and carbon dioxide

Oksigen bisa diidentifikasi dengan pada saat kita bernapas, udara yang masuk ke dalam tubuh kita terasa nyaman.
Sementara karbon dioksida saat kita menghirupnya, rasanya tidak terlalu nyaman. Contoh: Pada saat kita berada di sekitar kendaraan, tentu kita tidak merasa nyaman karena terus menghirup asap kendaraan itu terus menerus.

15. What human activities do increase discharge of carbon dioxide?

Burning of coal and/or other fossil fuels, cement production, deforestation, and landscape changes.

Semoga membantu, kak! ^^

16. The correct statement for pulmonary circulation is …. a. oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged inside the lungs b. oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged in the body cells c. blood rich in carbon dioxide returns to the heart in the right atrium d. blood rich in carbon dioxide goes out from the left ventricle to the whole body


Oxygen-poor blood returns from the body to the heart through the superior vena cava (SVC) and inferior vena cava (IVC), the two main veins that bring blood back to the heart.

The oxygen-poor blood enters the right atrium (RA), or the right upper chamber of the heart.

From there, the blood flows through the tricuspid valve (TV) into the right ventricle (RV), or the right lower chamber of the heart.

The right ventricle (RV) pumps oxygen-poor blood through the pulmonary valve (PV) into the main pulmonary artery (MPA).

From there, the blood flows through the right and left pulmonary arteries into the lungs.

In the lungs, oxygen is put into the blood and carbon dioxide is taken out of the blood during the process of breathing. After the blood gets oxygen in the lungs, it is called oxygen-rich blood.

Oxygen-rich blood flows from the lungs back into the left atrium (LA), or the left upper chamber of the heart, through four pulmonary veins.

Oxygen-rich blood then flows through the mitral valve (MV) into the left ventricle (LV), or the left lower chamber.

The left ventricle (LV) pumps the oxygen-rich blood through the aortic valve (AoV) into the aorta (Ao), the main artery that takes oxygen-rich blood out to the rest of the body.

17. Trees use carbon dioxide to make food. The _________trees there are, the _________ carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Answer using more, fewer or less.


Trees use carbon dioxide to make food. The more trees there are, the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Trees use carbon dioxide to make food. The less trees there are, the less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

18. when we breathe, our respiratory system is exposed to ... in the air. Select one: a. microorganisms and carbon dioxide b. carbon dioxide and pollutants c. oxygen and carbon dioxide d. microorganisms and pollutants




19. Below are the activities that can produce carbon dioxide Except ​

Below are the activities that can produce carbon dioxide ;

use of motorized vehiclesburning garbageindustrial fumesand others

20. use water carbon dioxide to turn the plants into

photosynthesis processphotosynthesis process
#good luck

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