27 Millimeters To Inches

27 Millimeters To Inches

Converting 27 Millimeters To Inches

What Is a Millimeter?

A millimeter (mm) is a unit of length that is equal to one thousandth of a meter. It is the smallest unit of measurement used in the metric system and is used for measuring length, width, and thickness of objects.

What Is An Inch?

An inch (in) is a unit of length in the imperial system of measurement. It is equal to one twelfth of a foot and is used for measuring length, width, and thickness of objects.

27 Millimeters To Inches Conversion

To convert 27 millimeters to inches, divide 27 by 25.4. The result is 1.063 inches.


Inches = Millimeters ÷ 25.4
27 millimeters ÷ 25.4 = 1.063 inches

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. what is 12 inches to 44 inches as a fraction?​


64ths 32nds 16ths 8ths 4ths half whole decimal


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1/64 0.0156

2/64 1/32 0.0313

3/64 0.0469

4/64 2/32 1/16 0.0625

5/64 0.0781

6/64 3/32 0.0938

7/64 0.1094

8/64 4/32 2/16 1/8 0.1250

9/64 0.1406

10/64 5/32 0.1563

11/64 0.1719

12/64 6/32 3/16 0.1875

13/64 0.2031

14/64 7/32 0.2188

15/64 0.2344

16/64 8/32 4/16 2/8 1/4 0.2500

17/64 0.2656

18/64 9/32 0.2813

19/64 0.2969

20/64 10/32 5/16 0.3125

21/64 0.3281

22/64 11/32 0.3438

23/64 0.3594

24/64 12/32 6/16 3/8 0.3750

25/64 0.3906

26/64 13/32 0.4063

27/64 0.4219

28/64 14/32 7/16 0.4375

29/64 0.4531

30/64 15/32 0.4688

31/64 0.4844

32/64 16/32 8/16 4/8 2/4 1/2 0.5000

33/64 0.5156

34/64 17/32 0.5313

35/64 0.5469

36/64 18/32 9/16 0.5625

37/64 0.5781

38/64 19/32 0.5938

39/64 0.6094

40/64 20/32 10/16 5/8 0.6250

41/64 0.6406

42/64 21/32 0.6563

43/64 0.6719

44/64 22/32 11/16 0.6875

45/64 0.7031

46/64 23/32 0.7188

47/64 0.7344

48/64 24/32 12/16 6/8 3/4 0.7500

49/64 0.7656

50/64 25/32 0.7813

51/64 0.7969

52/64 26/32 13/16 0.8125

53/64 0.8281

54/64 27/32 0.8438

55/64 0.8594

56/64 28/32 14/16 7/8 0.8750

57/64 0.8906

58/64 29/32 0.9063

59/64 0.9219

60/64 30/32 15/16 0.9375

61/64 0.9531

62/64 31/32 0.9688

63/64 0.9844

64/64 32/32 16/16 8/8 4/4 2/2 1/1 1.000

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

baca tuh

2. Sebutkan how do you convert meters to centimeters centimeters to millimeters?


kamu dapat mengubah meter ke centimeter dengan mengalikannya dengan bilangan 100, sedangkan centimeter ke milimeter dengan cara mengalikannya dengan angka 10

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

You can convert meters to centimeters by multiplying by 100, while centimeters to millimeters by multiplying by 10


5 m = 500 cm

4 cm = 40mm

3. A rectangular safe can hold 5,184 cubic inches. Gold bars that are 3 inches by 6 inches by 2 inches fit to completely fill the safe. What is the volume of each gold bar?


aidotnow saya ga tau saya

4. 2. kata kerja dari There are over a thousand millimeters in yard.​


tidak ada


karena gaada kata perintahnya

5. 1 feet = ... inches

12 inches
maaf kalo salah...

6. to 36 inches long and 20 inches in diameter . A ripe jackfruit will have yellow - brown skin inside artinya​


To 36 inches long and 20 inches in diameter . A ripe jackfruit will have yellow - brown skin inside. = Dengan panjang 36 inci dan diameter 20 inci. Buah nangka yang matang akan memiliki bagian dalam kulit berwarna kuning kecokelatan.


Semoga membantu

7. That shelf was too low, so we need. (to raise) (raising) (raise) it a few inches.


That shelf was too low, so we need to raise it a few inches.


Verb need harus diikuti oleh salah satu dari 2:

- to infinitive, misalnya to rise seperti soal ini

Contoh lain:

- We need to tell him about it

- I need you to help me

- noun.


- I need a chair

- Do you need anything else?

Semoga bermanfaat


1. Pertama-tama buka Word.

2. Setelah tampil di layar utama, klik menu File

3. Pilih Options di paling bawah

4. Setelah muncul Word Options, Klik Advanced

5. Lalu scroll ke bawah hingga ketemu Display

6. Cari opsi Show measurements in unit of : lalu rubah dari Inches ke Centimeters atau Millimeters.

9. Fatima is wrapping a gift box for her nephew’s birthday. The box’s dimensions are 16 inches long by 10 inches wide by 5 inches high. How much paper was used to wrap the box?


580 square inches

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Given that a box has:

-- Length (a) = 16"

-- Breadth (b) = 10"

-- Height (c) = 5"

Find the surface area!

Surface area equation (box) =

2×(a×(b+c)+(b×c)) =

2×(16×(10+5)+(10×5)) =

2×((16×15)+50) =

2×(240+50) =

2×290 =

580 square inches

580 square inches of paper is needed to wrap the box


10. Sphere a has the radius 6 inches and sphere b has diameter 14 inches. find the ratio of the surface area !


Artinya adalah:


Sphere a memiliki jari-jari 6 inci dan sphere b memiliki diameter 14 inci. temukan rasio luas permukaan!

#Kucing Oren

11. A picture frame is 9 inches long and 6 inches wide. It can display a picture 6 inches long and 4 inches wide. What is the area of the picture frame?

Area of Frame and Picture

Area = L * W

L = 9 

W = 6

Area = 9*6 = 54 in²

Area of Picture

Area = L*W

L = 6

W = 4

Area = 6 * 4

Area = 24 in²

Area of Frame

Area of Frame = Total Area - Picture Area

Area of Frame = 54 - 24

Area of Frame = 30 in²

12. A caterpillar is 2 3⁄6 inches long. A snake is 38 3⁄6 inches long. How much longer is the snake?

the snake is 36 inches longer

13. to 36 inches long and 20 inches in diameter . A ripe jackfruit will have yellow - brown skin inside artinya​

Panjangnya mencapai 36 inci dan diameternya 20 inci. Buah nangka yang matang akan memiliki kulit yang kuning kecoklatan.

14. "guava fruit usually 2 to 4 inches long,is round or oval depending on species"from the seatence we can coneude that

guava is usually round, and its length ranges from 2 to 4 inches

15. If a map has a scale of 1 inches: 500 miles and the distance from New York to London, England is 7 inches, then how far is the actual distance between New York and London? help me pliss mow:3"math"​


3.500 miles

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Actual distance = Map's distance x Scale

Actual distance = 500 miles x 7

Actual distance = 3.500 miles

16. If on a map scale drawing 6,174 feet are represented by 45 inches, then a scale of 20 inches represents how many feet?


0,3 feet

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Translate :

Jika pada skala peta gambar 75 kaki diwakili oleh 45 inci, maka skala 1/5 inci (konversikan ke desimal) mewakili berapa kaki?

Penyelesaian :

\begin{gathered}\frac{75kaki}{45inci} = \frac{x}{0.2inci} \\ \frac{45inci}{75kaki} \times 0.2inci \: = x \\ 0.3kaki = x\end{gathered}










Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

yuyonghagileul balabnida(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

17. A square has a perimeter of 36 millimeters. What is the area of the square


Perimeter (keliling) 36 mm jadi panjang sisi adalah 36:4= 9 mm jadi, Luasnya (area) = sxs = 9x9 = 81 mm


Perimeter 36 mm jadi panjang sisi adalah 36:4= 9 mm jadi, Luasnya (area) = sxs = 9x9 = 81 mm


Perimeter (keliling) 36 mm jadi panjang sisi adalah 36:4= 9 mm jadi, Luasnya (area) = sxs = 9x9 = 81 mm


Perimeter (keliling) 36 mm jadi panjang sisi adalah 36:4= 9 mm jadi, Luasnya (area) = sxs = 9x9 = 81 mm

18. berapa cm 1 inches itu?

dari 0 cm ke 2,54 centimeter
1 inchi = 2,54 cm1inches itu sama dengan 2,54 cm

19. l am faur feet five inches tan terjemahkan​


Saya faur kaki lima inci cokelat


Saya empat kaki lima inci cokelat


semoga membantu

20. We measure distance in ______. A. kilometers (km) B. kilograms (kg) C. millimeters (mm) D. meters (m)


We measure distance in ______.

*A. Kilometers (km).


Kami mengukur jarak dalam ______.

A. Kilometer (km)✅

B. Kilogram (kg).

C. Milimeter (mm).

D. Meter (m).


The unit of length is a unit used to describe the size of the height, length, distance of an object or object being measured. In the length of the ladder there are units of length kilometers (km), hectares (hm), decameters (dams), meters (m), decimeters (dm), centimeters (cm), millimeters (mm). Each step up one rung is divided by 10 and every step down one rung is multiplied by 10.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

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