9000 Hours In Days
Calculating 9000 Hours In Days
Understanding Time Measurement
Time is measured in units called hours, minutes, and seconds. An hour is equal to 60 minutes, and a minute is equal to 60 seconds. To calculate the number of days in 9000 hours, you need to know the conversion rate between hours and days.Converting Hours To Days
One day is equal to 24 hours, so to convert 9000 hours to days you need to divide 9000 by 24. The result is 375 days.Conclusion
Therefore, 9000 hours is equal to 375 days.Related Video:
Questions and Answers:
1. Calculate 4/9 of 5 days, give your answer in days, hours and minutes (x days y hours z minutes).
Jawab:x=2.222 days or 20/9 days
y=53.333 hours or 160/3 hours
z=3200 minutes
in 5 days=1440X5=7200minutes/5 days
4/9 of 5 days =4/9 x 7200 minutes
z=3200 minutes
x=20/9 days or 2.222 days
1 day = 24 hours
5 days = 24x5
5 days=120 hours
4/9 of 5 days=4/9 x 120 hours
y=160/3hours or 53.333 hours
2. days + 27 hours + 240 minutesNO= ... hours
Jawab :
1 hari =24 jam
27 jam =27 jam
240 menit =4 jam
24+27+4= 55 jam
3. 20 men can prepare 40 toys in 24 days working 18 hours a day. then in, how many days can 36 men prepare 48 toys working 16 hours a day ?
1. 24 . 8 = 40/20
2. 16X = 48/36
= 16X/432 = 48/36 : 40/20
= 16X/432 = 48/36 . 20/40
= 16x/144 = 2/3
= X = 18 days
4. Practice TimeWrite the time in words.1. 0500 hours2. 1820 hours3. 2359 hours
1. it's five o'clock
2. it's six - twenty p.m
3. it's one minute to midnight
5. Find the unit rate16. Reso.000 Fors hours of wor117.32 eggs every 16 days118 168 boys in 8 gruops19. 200 pages in 5 days20.625 meters in 25 seconds21.800 words per a minutes122, 18 om of rain in 3 hours23. 180 seats in rows -124.197 kilometers in 7 hours tolong jawab please
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
karena ada wor jadi 0 kenapa?
Find the unit rate
16. Reso.000 Fors hours of "wor "
117.32 eggs every 16 days
118 168 boys in 8 gruops
19. 200 pages in 5 days
20.625 meters in 25 seconds
21.800 words per a minutes
122, 18 om of rain in 3 hours
23. 180 seats in rows -
124.197 kilometers in 7 hours
tolong jawab please
nah disini itu ada wor nya yang udh ku kasih tanda petik
wor udh jelas jelas 0
wor = 0
jadi itu soalnya yang perkalian kan, nah itu sama aja 0
6. During the school holidays, Andrew worked for 6 days each week.He worked the same number of hours each day. In a week, he worked for45 hours. How many hours a day did he work?
7,5 hours / day
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Andrew worked 6 days each week
He worked the same number of hours each day.
In a week, he worked for 45 hours.
How many hours/day?
Because andrew work 6 days/week, so
= 45/6
= 7,5 hours / day
7. the same days in a week and days in a year
hari yang sama dalam seminggu dan hari dalam setahun
jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya :)
hari yang sama dalam seminggu dan hari dalam setahun
the same days in a week and days in a year
semoga membantu ^_%
8. JanuaryThere are thirty one days in a month, how manydays are there in four months?A.121 daysB.122 daysC. 123 daysD. 124 days
A. 121 days
maaf kalau salah
9. Sham works for 10 hours in a day and Ram works for 9 hours in a day. Ram works for 6 days in a week and Sham works for 5 days in a week. Who works for more hours in a week and by how much?
Sham works in a week for:
5 × 10 = 50 hours
Ram works in a week for:
6 × 9 = 54 hours
Ram works for more by:
54 - 50 = 4 hours
10. 3 centuries 28 years126 years + 92 years + 110 years =23EST YOURSELFlculate.8 dayshours3 days 15 hours + 4 days 10 hours =9 weeks 6 days + 9 days = weeksdays7 years 8 months + 5 years 10 months = 13 yearsmonths# days 10 hours + 20 hours + 2 days 12 hours days houweeks 5 days + 15 days + 3 weeks 4 days = weeks day9 months + 9 years 10 months + 6 years 4 months = years mordecades 7 years + 23 years =decades yearscenturies + 32 years + 1 century 5 years =centuriesye• Enhance pupils' mastery by asking questions that involve unit conversion andregrouping related to scientific knowledge such as life span and growth.2CACHER'SNOTESAachcan you guys help meh?
126 YEARS = 318 YEARS
100 YEARS -
11. 16. Rp 50.000 For 5 hours of Work17. 32 eggs every 16 days18. 168 boys in 8 gruops19. 200 Pages in 5 days20. 625 meters in 25 seconds21. 800 words per 4 minutes22. 180 ML OF rain in 3 hours23.180 seats in 9 rows24.147 kilometers in 7 hours tolong jawabannya nih, bingung cara jawabnya
12. Express 3 hours 12 min in hours as a decimal
3.2 hours (three point two hours)
Express 3 hours 12 min in hours as a decimal (nyatakan 3 jam 12 menit dalam jam dalam bentuk desimal)
change 12 min to hours (ubah 12 menit ke jam)= 12 min ÷ 60
= 0.2 hours
add 3 hours to 0.2 hours (jumlahkan 3 jam dengan 0,2 jam)= 3 hours + 0.2 hours
= 3.2 hours.
Final answer :
Therefore, 3 hours 12 min in hours as a decimal is 3.2hours
I hope this help^^
13. Q.1 year how many days? 1 day how many hours? 2 years how many days?nt : awoqawoq sesekali b.inggris
1. 365 day
2. 24 hours
3. 730 day
>> b. Inggris ☁️pertanyaan ?
1 year how many days?
1 dan how many hours?
2 years how many days?
jawaban ?
-) 1 year 365.25 day
-) 1 day 24 hours
-) 730,5 day
#hope it helps ☁️
14. _____ in the United States spends 900 hours per year in class and 1,170 hours in front of the television.
Millennials, the Younger generation, Children, Teenagers, Students.
The blank is placed in a position where it is supposed to be filled with a subject. In addition, the rest of the sentence implies that the subject is young, to the fact it mentions class, therefore, I answered with many subjects used to describe young people
15. how many days are there in week? there are....in a weeka. seventh daysb. six daysc. seven daysd. sixth days
a. seven days. ( tujuh/7 hari. )
karna, satu minggu ada tujuh/7 hari.
semoga membantu :D
c. Seven days
ada 7 hari dalam 1 minggu
Semoga membantu ^_^
16. Rio:How many days in a week? Ade:there are... days in a week
7 (seven).
Dalam satu pekan, terdapat 7 hari (Senin-Minggu).
Seven (7)
Rio kan nanya : 'How many days in a week?'
'How many days in a week?' artinya ➪ 'Ada berapa hari dalam seminggu?'.
Dalam seminggu, ada tujuh (7) hari, yaitu :
SeninSelasaRabuKamisJumatSabtuMingguJadi, jawabannya adalah Seven(7)
semoga membantu. maaf kalo salah.
have a nice day :)
17. ___ in the United States spends 900 hours per year in class and 1,170 hours in front of the television.
Theaveragethirdgraderin the United States spends 900 hours per year in class and 1,170 hours in front of the television.
Rataratasiswakelastigadi Amerika Serikat menghabiskan 900 jam per tahun di kelas dan 1,170 jam di depan televisi.
18. emi studies for three hours in the evening.yosi studies three hours in the evening
emi studies for three hours in the evening and yosi does too.
emi studies for three hours in the evening and so does yosi.
ini bukan yg dimaksud kak? lain kali nulis soal dengan perintah yg lengkap y kak..;)
19. There are thirty one days in a month, how manydays are there in four months?A.121 daysB.122 daysC. 123 daysD.124 days
D. 124
maaf ya kalo salah
20. there are...... in three hours
180 minutes or 10800 seconds
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