Welcome to the "Which Dance Moms Girl Are You?" topic! This topic is all about the hit television show Dance Moms, and finding out which character from the show you are most like. We will be discussing the personalities, skills, and stories of each of the characters in order to determine which one you relate to the most. So, let's get started! **Question:** What type of information will we be discussing in this topic? We will be discussing the personalities, skills, and stories of each of the characters from the show Dance Moms in order to determine which one you relate to the most.
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Questions and Answers:
1. are birds which are famous for performing a ritualized mating dance.
it is bird of paradise (Cendrawasih)
2. you are dancing Balinese dance (-) (?)
(-) You are not dancing Balinese dance
(?) Are you dancing Balinese dance? Yes, I am/ No, I am not
semoga membantu
3. What a........girl you are
what a beautifull / cute girl you are
artinya :
betapa cantik / imutnya kamu (pr)
what a beautiful girl you are
betapa cantiknya dirimu
itu kata yg paling pas semoga membantu
4. buatlah kalimat negatif you are beautiful girl
you are not a beautiful girl -
sudah dibuat
5. Do you know the name of the girl ... brothers are technisians? A. Who B. Whom C. Whose D. Which
d. whose maaf kalo salahDo you know the name of the girl WHOSE brothers are technisians?
untuk soal ini, mempermudahnya dengan memisahkannya menjadi 2 kalimat untuk mengetahui persamaan yang kemudian membentuk relative clause.
1.Do you know the name of the girl?
2. her brothers are technisians
bila ada her (personal pronoun), relative clause-nya adlah whose
6. Aline : what are you doing girl? vivian : i am.... my rooom. come here girl!
I am....(in)
Mf klo slh
7. Write the sentence of adjective with the simple present Tense form in interrogative sentence! +You are a beautiful girl. -You are not a beautiful girl ?....
jawabannya adalah ?: are you a beautiful girl?
8. you are a Girl by yourself
kamu seorang wanita yang memiliki pendirian
Kamu seorang gadis sendiri
Maaf kalok salah
9. Moms bless you atau mom bless you
mom bless you
Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat dua akhiran S, yakni S dan ‘S (apostrophe S).
ada 2 'S (aposthrope S) yaitu :
1. Digunakan untk menunjukan kepemilikan tanpa menyebut kata benda yg dipunyai, sesuatu/seseorang dimiliki oleh sesuatu/seseorang.
examples, bobby's car, serenas's cat (mobil bobby,kucing serena)
2. kata kerja bantu "is" yg disingkat
Ex : it's (it is), he's (he is), there's (there is)
1. penggunaan S untuk mengakhiri kata benda jamak yang bisa dihitung (countable nouns). Jika kita ingin menyebutkan bahwa suatu benda adalah jamak/jumlahnya lebih dari satu, maka tambahkan s di akhir kata benda tersebut.
Books, hats, apples, pencils (buku-buku, topi-topi, apel-apel, pensil-pensil)
2. Jika kita ingin menjelaskan sebuah kata benda secara umum,gunakan S diakhir kata
Examples : All trees, all students (semua pohon,semua murid)
-he thinks that all school are the same (dia pikir smua skolah sama)
3. Penggunaan S untuk membuat kalimat present tense. Tambahkan S di akhir verb/kata kerja yg memiliki subjek he, she, dan it juga pada subject this dan that.
Examples : he drinks coffee every morning (dia minum kopi tiap pagi)
4. Beberapa kata ganti kepunyaan diakhiri oleh S seperti "yours, hers, ours, theirs, its"
Example : this house is hers (rumah ini miliknya).
CMIIW that's all I know. semoga membantu :)
Jawabannya= mom bless you
10. Moms plisss kasih tau Moms pliss lah Moms tolong ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
7a + 11 = 46
7a = 35
a = 5
Semoga Membantu :)
11. Apakah dance boy band atau girl band bisa dibuat untuk senam aerobik?
memang walaupun jarang
12. 3. Kecak dance and Legong dance are from
The dance comes from Bali island, Indonesia
Tariantarianituberasal daripulauBali, Indonesia
Hii semoga membantu ya ✨✨
13. which pronouns did you use for b!s3xsual girl?i need to know-
Her/ They /Them bro how do u not know
14. you are a very kind girl.
kamu gadis yg sangat baikKamu adalah seorang perempuan yang sangat Baik.
15. arti the girl (dance)with her friend now?
The girl is dancing with her friend now.
Gadis itu sedangberdansa (menari) dengan temannya sekarang.
Kalimat tersebut diakhiri dengan keterangan waktu 'now' yang menunjukkan peristiwa tersebut sedang berlangsung sekarang.
Simple Continuous Tense
Positive Sentence : S + V1-ing + O + ...
16. ........you see ondel ondel dance.......?the correct answer are......
........ You saw the ondel ondel dancing .......? the correct answer is ......
yes i saw ondel ondel dancing
........ Anda melihat ondel ondel menari .......? jawaban yang benar adalah ......
ya aku melihat ondel ondel menari
17. Susunlah dibawah ini dengan benar beautiful-you-girl-what-you are-a
what a beautiful girl you are
semoga membantuAnswer:
The jumbled words above if you reorder it, it will become an expression of compliment. The pattern such expression is as follows:
What + adjective + noun + S + auxiliary verb! OR
How + adjective + S + auxiliary verb!
Here's the example of them:
- What a great goal it was!
- How great the goal was!
So, the answer for the exercise above is
What a beautiful girl you are!
More explanation on compliment can be see in the link below
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: expression of compliment
18. they are beutiful girl di you know.............
mereka itu cewe cakep tau ga lo
jadikan jawaban terbaik ya
19. Girl : Did you attend the dance competition yesterday?Boy : Yes, I didGirl : How was the result?Boy: I wonGirl : Wow, that's great! Congratulations!Boy: Thank you.
thanks about you
semoga bermanfaat
20. ...? it will be the final round.a. will you join our dance club.b. are you willing to dance tomorrowc. will you attend our dance pratice tomorrow.d. would you like to watch the dance competition tomorrow.tolong bhs inggris.
would you like to watch the dance competition tomorrow:
apakah Anda ingin menonton kompetisi dansa besok?
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