Words Beginning With Ke

Words Beginning With Ke

Words Beginning With Ke

What Are Words Beginning With Ke?

Words beginning with Ke are words that start with the letter “K” followed by the letter “e”. These words can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or any other part of speech.

Examples of Words Beginning With Ke

Some examples of words beginning with Ke include:
  • Keen – sharp or eager in feeling or perception.
  • Keep – to hold or retain in one's possession.
  • Kettle – a metal container for heating and boiling water.
  • Kettlebell – a cast-iron or steel weight shaped like a ball with a handle.
  • Key – a device used to open a lock.
  • Keyboard – an electronic device with keys used to input data into a computer.

Using Words Beginning With Ke

Words beginning with Ke can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used to describe a person’s character or mood, to name objects, or to describe actions.

Describing Character or Mood

Words beginning with Ke can be used to describe a person’s character or mood. For example, one might say that someone is “keen” to learn new things or that they have a “keen eye” for details.

Naming Objects

Words beginning with Ke can also be used to name objects. For example, one might refer to a metal container for heating and boiling water as a “kettle” or a cast-iron or steel weight shaped like a ball with a handle as a “kettlebell”.

Describing Actions

Words beginning with Ke can also be used to describe actions. For example, one might say that someone is “keeping” a secret or that they are “keeping” their house in order.
Words beginning with Ke are a useful tool for describing a person’s character or mood, naming objects, and describing actions. With practice, one can become proficient at using these words in everyday speech and writing.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. beginning with the underlined words

awali dengan kata-kata yang telah bergaris bawahpermulaan dengan kalimat /kata digaris bawah

2. write 10 words beginning with letter c​

























Udah itu aja

maap klo salah

3. 1. Make 5 questions beginning with Question Words 2. Make 5 questions beginning with Auxiliry


1. a) How do you go?

b) What time did you come home?

c) Who's that?

d) How old are you?

e) Whose is this book?

2. a) Did he call the doctor?

b) Will you come with me?

c) Do you like fish?

d) Can you speak English?

e) Have you seen him?

Semoga membantu^^

4. a 2 A/An Look at the examples. Complete the rule. a big restaurant a good teacher an expensive hotel an interesting film RULE We use a before words beginning with consonants (b, c, d, f, etc.) and we use an before words beginning with vowels ( .................................... ).tolong dibantu ya kak​


vowels = A I U E O

consonants = B C D F G H J K L M etc.

A = use for consonants

AN = use for vowels



A big restaurant

A good teacher

A uniform

kenapa pakai A padahal huruf depannya adalah A?

karenauniform dibaca "Yuniform"biasa uniform dibaca yuniform oleh karena itu kita menggunakan A


AN expensive hotel

AN interesting film

AN honor

kenapa pakai AN meski huruf awalnya adalah H?

karena Honor dibaca "Onor" kita biasa membaca honor menjadi Onor

5. writing story beginning beginning with : It was dark night and I was. a after returning home...



cerita dimulai

dimulai dengan:

malam yg gelap and aku.




pulang kerumah...


smg membantu(^.^)


When I was a child I have the most scariest experience than any kid my age ever know. It was when I'm going home from my course, My mom didn't pick me up because it was not that far from home.As I walk I hear a sound coming from the forest mind you it was really dark night and I was only kid back then so I paid no mind to it but the sound only got louder as I walk from home as if someone was following me. When I turn around I see him or it.he was a tall lanky man with dark suit and pale as paper skin color the most disturbing thing was his face it was faceless as if he was born with it ,I scream and start to run faster hoping it will not follow me home after returning home my mom was was worried at me because she saw my face and I say it was nothing ... I go to sleep after that....after all this year I still see him anywhere and only I can see him I starting to think I'm the only one crazy here

6. match the following words with their synonyms.1. instructions. a. check2. goal. b. finish3. complete. c. directions4. preliminary. d. purpose5. axamine. e. the beginning​


instructions - directions

goal - purpose

complete - finish

premilinary - the beginning

axamine - check


7. 1 Most athletes begin / are beginning their day with exercise.

1. begin
2. is playing
3. ‘m meeting
4. get up
5. comes
6. visiting
7. Do you think

maaf kalo salah

8. only nine beginning with "f" is​


hanya saya yang dimulai dengan "f"

9. GRAMMAR - Complete sentences with words


1. taking

2. having

3. might

4. inspired

5. should

6. can't

maaf kalo salah

10. CHIILTO: Really? Let me see. The word start with the letter ...!?: It starts with the letter C.right So open the page with the words beginning wi​


where is the question???

11. mencariLook FOR 30voca bullary words beginningwith the letter "U''​

Umbrella,unique,up,ugly,uncle,under,underage, understand, underneath,undo, union,unit,unite, university, universe,until,untie, ultimate,upgrade,upon, upper,upset,urge,urgent,use,usual,usher, utility,usually,utter

12. 16. Look! It.........to rain. Unfortunately I don't have myumbrella with mea. Is beginningc. Beginsb. Will be beginningd. Was beginning​


c. begins


maaf kalo salah


b.will be beginning


maaf kalau salah

13. Activity 9Match the following words with their synonyms.1. instructionsa. check2. goalb. finishcompletec. directionspreliminaryd. purposeexaminee. the beginning​

Complete= Finish
Preliminary=The beginning

14. a Look at the examples. Complete the rule. a big restaurant a good teacher an expensive hotel an interesting film RULE: We use a before words beginning with consonants (b, c, d, f, etc.) and we use an before words beginning with vowels .). b Write atolong bantu besok dikumpul​





15. B.Please write 2 words for each number.1.beginning/sn/ :_____,_____.2.beginning /sw/ :_____,____.3.ending /ld/:____,____.4.ending /It/:_____,_____.5.ending /lp/:____,____.​


i de nooooooooooo



16. rearrange the followung jumble words into good sentence beginning witg the italic wordsTolong dong kaka​


11 the villagers had eaten the goat before the wolf came to the place

12 the fat man left the house after he had stolen all rhe money

13 the farmer had harvested the crop when the bugs came to the village

14 the old man went home after she had washed the clothes in a hurry in the river

15. Tom and Ricky were very dissapointed when they gone home because go to trevor party

17. Rewrite the following questions in a less direct form, beginning with the words given. 1. Could you send me a copy of your lates brochure?

Can you send a copy of yours lates brochure?

18. answer the following question in indirect form, beginning with the words in brackets#tolong bantuin kak tugasnya udah mau dikumpul ​


1. idk if my father was still alive

2. he asked me how I was that day

3. I'm not sure if I really loved her

4. do you know why he was absent?

5. he asked me whether I've done my homework

6. ummi begged me not to do it

7. mariza told me she's very exhausted

8. Ida said that English wasn't hard to study

9. he wants to know if that was Mr. green

10. she asked me where have I been


maaf kalo salah

19. make sentence beginning with if choose from the boxes see the example

1. If you don't hurry, you'll be late.
2. If you pass the exam, you'll get a certificate.
3. If you fail the exam, you can do it again.
4. If you don't want this comic, you can give it to me.
5. If you want those novels, you can have them.
6. If you're busy now, we can talk later.
7. If you're hungry, we can have lunch now.
8. If you need help, you can go to my place.

20. write story beginning beginning with : It was dark night and I was. a after returning home



cerita dimulai

dimulai dengan :


malam yang gelap dan aku.



pulang ke rumah

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